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Whats everyones split?

Max what's your split?

I have been training 531 for the last few years. Want to get into more bodybuilding type traditional training. The thread probably should have been what routines is everyone running. I'm the kind of guy that likes to follow a routine as written

I've done layne norton programs and the arnie encyclopedia back in the day but yeah just wanted to know whats out there now and what results people are getting.
I'm doing an upper/lower split, that generally looks something like this (I auto-regulate my assistance work to some degree, and sometimes change exercises just cus I feel like it):

Upper 1:
Bench Press
Pull Ups
Maybe some direct arm work

Lower 1:
Front Squats
Paused Squats
Calf Raise
Ab Work

Upper 2:
Incline BP
Weighted Pull Ups
Rows with fat gripz
Arm work

Lower 2:
Back Squats
Ab work

Well I rarely follow routines or programs these days. I follow my own. What suits me. Nothing better than a tailor made program.
Well I rarely follow routines or programs these days. I follow my own. What suits me. Nothing better than a tailor made program.

I need the structure or I just end up fuck arseing around or skipping the exercises I don't like. Alot of guys swear by intuitive training but I lack the discipline.
Then eat a cup of concrete and HTFU.

Seriously though tailoring your own program allows more flexibility and you can work on weaknesses.
I am doing:

Day 1: Bench/Military + assistance (triceps)
Day 2: Chins/Biceps + postural assistance (rotator stuff etc)
Day 3: Squats (not doing deads till I hit a 150kg+ squat)

All twice a week. Bench/Military day can run into 25+ sets which gets a bit much.. But I like to hit them twice a week so I can't really split up those exercises. Looking to change to something else soon, maybe Sheiko... If I get a 160kg+ bench with it and keep my bf% down it will serve 'bodybuilding' purposes.
Then eat a cup of concrete and HTFU.

Seriously though tailoring your own program allows more flexibility and you can work on weaknesses.

Hear what your saying. Gotta even out some imbalances done no direct bivep or calf work in years.

Would really just like to ride a generic routine from high 80's to mid 90's then just work on the weak spots. Got a while to get over a hernia before I get really serious though

On a side note what are the 'natural' bb feds?

Just depends on your goals if ypir just working out to stay in shape your plans good. If you want symetry size and to get on stage probably not gonna cut it.
For 4 weeks I'm running:
Mon - chest/back
Tue - assistance/conditioning
Wed - legs
Thu - conditioning
Fri - arms/shoulders

Then its back to my hardcore bodybuilding split
Mon - chest
Tue - ?
Wed - chest
Thu - ?
Fri - chest
Sat - chest/arms
I tailored my routine, the heavier compound lifts I will lift in rep ranges 4 - 8, then I will the more targeted exercises will usually be at a higher rep range, anything from 10 up to maybe 30 or 40 reps, at the moment I am not doing deadlifts as i am trying to grow back width which I don't believe dead do, so am doing more pull ups, rows and machine stuff, but everything is pretty much standards exercises.

To help keep track of your exercises or routine write it down and carry. Notebook with you, this is what I do as it is the only way I can remember what weight nd exercises I did the previous week.
Yeah I'm running an upper lower at the moment too.. for the first 6 years I did:

- chest/tri + back/bi + legs + shoulders
- chest/bi + back/tri + legs + shoulders
- chest/shoulders/tri + back/bi + legs

and all the possible variations of those 3 and 4 day splits.

Given that I can't make it in to the gym on the same 3 to 5 days per week and I have to fit in soccer and touch football 2-3x a week.. running an upper/lower split is much easier from that perspective. I used to always run into issues with muscles that were fatigued from the workout the previous day.

However, I just find the volume a little low at times.

I think upper/lower + 2-3 days of a more typical BB split is the ideal way to go if you can make it 5x a week. Just so you hit things twice a week and get a better amount of volume without having huge 2 hour workouts.
Currently running PHAT but using 5/3/1 for first movement instead of laynes suggestions
Was using the Dual Factor Training system. Really enjoyed the mix up and how it was structured. I did tweak a few things to suit me better though.
I'm a non competing BBiulding hobbyist strength training junkie hippie.

The only split I like is a pine lime.

On a serious note I don't actually believe you can effectively split a workout, I view it more as a workout with an emphasis on a body part
at the moment I am not doing deadlifts as i am trying to grow back width which I don't believe dead do.

Do 3-5 sets of wide grips chins before deadlifts then reasses where you are at.

Generally shouldnt effect your pull too much and will hammer the lats.

I used to do that back when i did a few shows and my lats were thick and wide.

Followed by one rowing exercise and dumbell pullovers.

Thanks mate, i might give this a try, always like trying new things and seeing and learning how the body reacts.
A bit OT, but on the subject of rows - I did dumbell rows for ages to correct my push/pull imbalance. Things only got worse. I was rowing alongside the body, doing a lat exercise. Phsyio showed me tuesday how to get a barbell and row with my elbows flared - a different exercise, to hit the rear delts and rhomboids - very similar to a facepull - I would include a variation of this if I were you too...

And I agree chins/rows are great lat builders. Mine aren't massive but they're a lot bigger than they were. I would bet any reasonably sized guy who can do 30 chins in a row would be massive.