For my breakfast I just put half a scoop of protein, full scoop of powdered oats, handful of strawberries, a banana, some peanut butter and honey and water if I'm eating something as well. For example I had this yesterday while eating four eggs and some bread rolls. Also today when I had rice and beef. Don't want to have milk cause that would fuck shit up in my stomach.No need to force yourself to eat, in fact since you're just starting out, I'd recommend not to worry about your diet at all just yet.
Your priority should be the workout, the very act of lifting weights will encourage your body to increase in muscle mass therefore your overall weight.
Regular lifting will also fire up your appetite.
Forget about the supplements.
So it's not too much of a protein shake, but a mass gainer shake as it does have some decent amount of calories.
At night I'll do the same except for full scoop and milk since I'm not eating anymore.
I bought powdered oats for carbs instead of dextrose because it has more calories. I don't mind taking more scoops of protein, but I'm getting mixed advice here so I don't know.Smash at least two shakes a day, on top of your 3 meals. 2 scoops in each. Maybe throw some dextrose in there as well. Definitely not a lot of meat on a frame that size