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What motivates you, and what do you hate? About bodybuilding/strength sports...

still love testing my physical ability (weights and aths), and I suspect I will until I cant anymore.

It is a healthy hobby and beats most other activities.
I agree Brick people go for two looks - one aims to look intimidating the other aims to be attractive.

Yeah thats bang on. The sub 70kg kids in stringer singlets have reverse dismorphia and think they look huge. The 90kg short arses & 110kg big rig guys look like shaved apes but think they are tiny.

Its such a head fuck.

I don't mind carrying a bit of bodyfat but its the traps, chest, back that give you that gorilla look. And truth be told if fucking alot of chicks is why your in this game, they like the attitude not the physique.

I know slobs that slay alot of pussy just cause they carry themselves a certain way.

As for the dicks that say I'm in it to set an example, I want strength, lifts before looks, their all lying cause their own vanity won't let them admit its the inadequacy that drives you to it to begin with.

Neck up you fucking parrots ain't nobody wanna be small.
Endorphin rush
Clarity of mind
Feeling of wellbeing
Achieving goals previously thought impossible.

Nausea and almost shitting my pants from too much PWO
Joints and muscles taking longer and longer to warm up as I get older
Not being able to fit into my metrosexual wear anymore
Short term - bit of ego, satisfies my suppressed competitive nature.
Long term - meditation, physical health, accomplishments, something that is mine

This is awesome. Know exactly what you mean mate.

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THis^ keeps me driven.

Being better than the week,month,year before. Proving people wrong.

I hate the fake natty shit. That we are told to admire drug cheating criminals via marketing(I have nothing against PED's). The supplement industries blatant daily acts of fraudulent misinformation. THE BROSCIENCE fucking crap that people still push. Uneducated dip shits pushing their info to make a buck.
Truth be told, if a survey was to be conducted on this, majority of us are doing this for these reasons in this order:
1. Look better (big n muscly)
2. Get stronger (a lot for protective / defensive agvantage)
4. Fell better (increased confidence)
5. Health reasons (keeps us disciplined)
I train because I love it, not sure but I was never really worried about strength, was for a little while when I set the pb's in my signature about 18 months ago, and they are not great pb's anyway, and were achieved within about 6 months of training for strength.

At its base I am training to extend my useful life, so that I may enjoy the things I love doing longer (driving fast cars, riding bikes, recently bought a dirt bike etc etc), so that I see my kids grow up and hopefully be fitter at 70 than most other 70 year olds. This is why I don't understand people using roids and stuff (illegal roids not HRT) as it goes against everything that I train for, will consider HRT to continue training in the later years of life considering the results some people are getting.

Any increases in looks and strength to me are purely a bonus, recently (this week) started 5/3/1, so I am again training for strength, hoping to smash all my pb's in the next year or so before I get too old. THis program at the moment has given me a direction and a template to use.
Why did you originally start training? The first time you walked into a gym or hit the bench press in a mates garage? What was the underlying reason ? (before you developed the love for it as a lifestyle)
Why did you originally start training? The first time you walked into a gym or hit the bench press in a mates garage? What was the underlying reason ? (before you developed the love for it as a lifestyle)

First time I walked into a commercial gym was when I was about 15, and it was for school sport.

Wanted to get big as I was nearly 6 foot and skinny as a MF, trained from then on was bout 100kg by the time I hit 18 or 19. So achieved my goal. By that time all my mates were referring to me as Big Mick

Then in my 30's got fat as I was not training at all, was having kids and working a 70 hour week to pay for the mortgage and life Started back in my 40's and gettig close to seeing abs, some mornings I see a slight outline of my top one
Nothing wrong with wanting to look better when you're 30%+ bodyfat though is there? Working really hard at it is ok at that stage. People encourage you. What about when you're 10-15% bodyfat and benching over your bodyweight, with other similar lifts? Too narcissistic then? Should you be doing it for other reasons - sports, etc.?

On looking like you shouldn't be fucked with - same thing. Once you look like every other guy and can probably defend yourself a bit better - fine. But obsessively wanting to be 110kg+ and look like a strongman, so other people fear you... And taking roids so you bench 2xbodyweight or whatever... A bit neanderthal? Going too far?

Just putting it out there...
Sounds like a familiar cycle.
What bike did you get?

I think it's what happens when life gets in the way of life.

Used to always ride road bikes for years since I was about 19 to about 40, for fun and commuting (will buy another one one day), have now bough a KTM LC4 620, a big heavy Enduro style bike, but I am 117kg so need something heavy with plenty of torque, and I have a 20 and a 40 km Enduro track less than 5km from my house I can use any time, as well as plenty of riding tracks to explore, it's a whole new thing to me, I have only had it for 3 or 4 months and loving it.

My aim is to be at least 110kg (117kg ATM) with abs, at 6'2" I currently bench way over my body weight, can bench body weight for 10 reps and don't consider myself strong to be honest.

Defend yourself and being big are two different things, have a mate who weighs 68kg and he beats me every time in a wrestle or sparring match, and I am a 2nd degree black belt and represented Australia twice internationally in the mens open Black belt full contact over 90kg division in my younger years.

But it is what he does, he hurts people twice his size bad and I would never want to fight him for real

But I get your point, because of my current size people tend to stay out of my way, and avoid confrontation with me when face to face, and again I do not really consider myself to be huge, would love to be a LOT bigger than what I am.

Nice, I ride the 530exc and when I jump on my mates 690, where I would be changing the 530 into the next gear the 690 just starts to lift. Tonnes of power.
One thing about bbing and riding is the pump, I get a pump straight away in my forearms, traps, legs, everywhere. But then again I get a pump brushing my teeth.
How's the price on full rego these days?