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What is your training split?

Mon: Push incl squats
Tues: Pull incl deadlifts
Wed: rest
Thursush incl squats
Friull incl deadlifts
Sat & Sun: rest
Chest, shoulders, tris
Legs and abs
Back and bis

I do it twice a week with 1 rest day. I should be doing cardio but I rarely go to the gym because they have a rediculously cheap membership drive which has attracted plenty of dickheads and now there isn't much room to move so I mainly train at home.
Some varied splits there, thanks.

I`m feeling stale from 5 days on so as of next week plan to do a 4 day split mon tue rest the fri rest rest.

Not sure on what to do yet but likely will be -

mon quads and hams OR calfs
tue chest and hams OR calfs (whatever I don't do on mon)

thu back and delts - will alternate the starting group each week
fri biceps and triceps - as above.
Currently doing push/pull/legs four days a week
Day 1 - Legs
Day 2 - Push
Day 3 - Pull
Day 4 - Repeat
I got fed up with sheiko because I wasn't enjoying training
so I guess I am back to just walking into the gym and doing whatever I feel like again, 6 days a week
Day 1
Upright row
Press behind neck or dips
Seated Row

Day3 off or if bored do some power snatches or resistance band abs or some shit

Day4 off

Power Cleans/high pulls
Squats or box squats or some compound leg exercise
GHR if feeling motivated

Day 6 off
Day7 off unless really bored - do some pointless accessory exercise but not curls
Monday - Chest
Tues - Back/Hammies
Wed - Shoulders
Thurs - Dynamic Bench / Arms
Fri - Quads
Sat - Core/Cardio
Currently doing push/pull/legs four days a week
Day 1 - Legs
Day 2 - Push
Day 3 - Pull
Day 4 - Repeat

I did this for ages, worked ok.

Currently doing

Day 1: push pull
Day 4: push pull
Repeat.. No leg day as I have a torn quad.

Solves some problems I had with back day affecting chest day and vice versa.
Focussing on bench now and not doing as much overhead pressing.
Ramping up volume over 12 weeks.
Doing a shitload of sets at fairly heavy %s, across close grip bench, rows, normal bench, overhead press, and chins.

I found once a week just didnt work for me at all, I went nowhere on MAX-OT for chest.
I was doing pretty much whatever I felt like six days a week but I'm concentrating on my heavy lifts now, still kinda doing whatever I feel like for the other stuff, usually depends how busy the gym is, so what's available to me. I do abs every day, I know they're under there somewhere!

Heavy Squat

Heavy Bench

Heavy Deads

Light/Speed Squat

Light/Speed Bench

Weekend off

Sent from my iPhone
Day 1 - 5 x 5
Day 2 - accessory work
Day 3 - 5 x 5
Day 4 - accessory work
Day 5 - 5 x 5
Day 6 - accessory work

+ Some for of cardio after every session - sprints/rower/walk/run/boxing

Day 7 will prob include a walk.
Day 1 - 5 x 5
Day 2 - accessory work
Day 3 - 5 x 5
Day 4 - accessory work
Day 5 - 5 x 5
Day 6 - accessory work

+ Some for of cardio after every session - sprints/rower/walk/run/boxing

Day 7 will prob include a walk.

With the 5x5 stuff mate, is that full body? Or squat, dead, bench 5x5 on separate days?

Current split for me is what has worked the best and I always go back to it....Reps are always different each week mainly using prilepins table as a base for volume and intensity.

Day 1: Upper ( BB Bench, Pendlay rows, DB bench, BW heaves, bis and tris )
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Lower ( Power cleans, Deads heavy, front squats, GHR, DB Rows, Ab rollouts )
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Upper ( OHP, Weighted heaves, DB bench, Mixed grip BW chins, bis and tris )
Day 6: Lower ( Power cleans, Squats, Deads light, GHR, Farmers walks, Hanging leg raises )
Day 7: Rest

Seems to be working well even eating at maintenance or ever so slightly above, gaining strength monthly and BW is staying fairly solid at 86-87kg.

Hey mate - yep currently -

Day 1 - Squats or speed/explosive leg press > Bench > Bent over row (as my core exercises)

Day 2 - Chest stuff etc

Day 3 - Squats or speed/explosive leg press > Mil press > stiff legged dead

Day 4 - Back stuff etc

Day 5 - Squats or speed/explosive leg press > Bench > Bent over row

Day 6 - Shoulder/arm stuff etc

Its really on the boarder line of over-training so will keep a close eye on it and change it up/back off when I need to - I like to mix this sort of split in every so often - when I feel it is starting to become to much i'll prob go back to 3 days (5x5) add in abit more work in those 3 days and add some more cardio style sessions into those accessory days.
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day 1 - upperbody power
day 2 - lowerbody power
day 3 - off
day 4 - push
day 5 - pull
day 6 - legs
day 7 - off