You might be surprised what the body is capable of if you push it Kyle.
No doubt! But we have both experienced injuries from pushing too far too fast.
With overloading, I don't know the exact numbers of course - but there's got to be a limit in there somewhere. Obviously not at (say) 125% your normal lifts, but maybe at 200%? Your overloading, from what you're saying, has been well under 200%. From looking at that video, I would be surprised if that weight were less than 150-200% what that woman can genuinely handle by herself.
190kg bench negatives when you can bench 145kg is one thing; 220kg "lift" as she did, when she can probably only manage 110kg, that's another.
110kg would be a very respectable lift, more than most people - male or female - ever manage - dunno why she wants to bull**** her way up with that nonsense.
I am absolutely not saying no-one should overload, or that it's dangerous when supervised by experienced coaches. I am saying there are limits, and from that video, that woman went way past them.
I would want to see her do 110kg, then 130kg, and so on, before I'd be willing to help spot her on 220kg.