Kunce in training
Has anybody come across this machine?

Saw one similar in a gym recently and asked around, people say it's a shrug mach, dead lift mach, saw people facing both ways and one guy loaded up 150kg and did some weird sudo stiff legged dead lift things ;-( looked rather painful.....
Can they be used for deads? Only considered trying coz of late all the 2-4 week summer crowds have returned and using the bars as fence posts ATM

Saw one similar in a gym recently and asked around, people say it's a shrug mach, dead lift mach, saw people facing both ways and one guy loaded up 150kg and did some weird sudo stiff legged dead lift things ;-( looked rather painful.....
Can they be used for deads? Only considered trying coz of late all the 2-4 week summer crowds have returned and using the bars as fence posts ATM