I feel you bro, split my jeans on Sunday. $300 pair of Roberto Cavali's, kunce spilit under the right arse cheek when I knelt down to do mys shoe laces, not fukken happy.
Lesson learned, no more laced shoes.
On a separate note, I've gotta let this one out. THERE IS NO FUCKING MEDALS HERE FOR DOING SQUATS INSTEAD OF CURLS!!!!!!!!!.
If the kids want to curl and build up biceps, good on them, better that pulling bongs and paying xbox all fucking day.
Get the feeling kunce here are saying "squats" cos they think its expected of them and if you don't say "squats" your off the list.
Its just another (and very good, I add) exercise, NOT A FUCKING MAGIC POTION OR OBLIGATION.
PHEW....feel better now.
To add to that who cares if they want to do nothing, collect stamps or even just pull bongs. It's their life. They look at people who spend hours in the gym squatting each week and laugh at what a waste of time, all they have to show for it is a fat arse, mediocre squat numbers and they piss people off talking about how awesome Paleo is.