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What gets you fired up for 1rm pb attempts?

There are obviously some very good lifters here but in powerlifting every second person is record holder.

Yea ya might be right. GPC is a fairly new fed, so stands to reason that the records are still settling. Especially for women since theres less of them.

Trance relaxes me.

I'm just putting it out there, relax, be calm, you will lift more.

I know many times I've done well when I feel relaxed and not really up to it.
Times I've gone to gym really pumped, Agro and done poorly.

same here. being angry in the gym has never given me a good session.

PB attempts especially require me to just be calm and business like but also in a mood to enjoy myself.

works best for me.
I know many times I've done well when I feel relaxed and not really up to it.
Times I've gone to gym really pumped, Agro and done poorly.

So really if you are not up for it mentally, then no matter how much psyching up and working yourself up to a false confidence its not going to work. Funny thing is that when you are in the zone, the body can be tired or just lazy but can still end up having an awesome session.
99% of my training over the years has been without a training partner and I have never had a coach other than a bodybuilder mate who accompanied me to a couple of bench comps to help me with my weight selection. I don't understand the need for external stimuli, other than to stave off boredom.

Some people like to slap themselves into a stupor for every set. I think it's better to save that rage for actual lift.

I get pestered by kids, bitten by mozzies and march flies and sometimes even pecked by chickens when I train, and the only thing that works for me is turning the switch in my mind to the off position. As a sufferer of long term chronic pain it's a coping skill I have acquired.
That's what works for you. ... but everyone has a way that works for them. ... I'm sure some fellow metal heads and even those into trance/techno agree with me that it can actually be relaxing too

I've personally found that I have better focus (and generally have performed better) when I have been in an aggressive/worked up mindset

When I'm calm and relaxed I find I think too much rather than playing/lifting more instinctively
This has held true across 20 years and over a dozen sports/occupations

Funny I'm the opposite but for the exact same reason. When I get too fired up I think too much about what I've got to do and feel worn out before I play footy or lift.

I prefer just to not think about anything, not get fired up and just go and lift/play footy.
Yea ya might be right. GPC is a fairly new fed, so stands to reason that the records are still settling. Especially for women since theres less of them.

GPC is new in Australia yes and last year a lot of the Australian records were set and broken. GPC itself has been around longer than that with something like 25 member nations. A fair few Aussies took world records last year as well.
It's pretty simple. People are different and prepare differently. From years of playing footy you see some people love listening to heavy music before a game, others sit quietly in the corner, some like to joke around, some go for a spew in the toilet. People have different ways of getting ready to go and perform.
And here comes the research bomb?

You called it
+1 internets to wingman

Summed it up perfectly!
GPC is new in Australia yes and last year a lot of the Australian records were set and broken. GPC itself has been around longer than that with something like 25 member nations. A fair few Aussies took world records last year as well.

Pretty sure the raw records are around 5(?) years old

Hopefully one day CAPO can become what is it meat to be, cos IMO, outside IPF, WPC records would be the most coveted/respected (mainly due to higher participation numbers than GPC, GPA et al)
Not to piss on parades but people really need to stop referring to fed records and "world records" and "national records"