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What do you do differently when you try to cut down on the body fat%

Kindred, I'm picking up from this post and a few others u don't mind a drink or two, maybe even three.
Do you find that it hinders your recovery from training?

It all depends. If i drink beer or any kind of mixer it does cause issues beer more than anything else. However spirits striat have no negative impact what so ever. I dont think its the alcohol (after a fair amount of experimenting yay December what anawsome month u were) that causes any problems. I think its the other stuff. Beer has heap of carbs an sugar and so do mixers and i recon its the sugar and carbs that can give u a problem.

Im still trying it out tho and may report on it when i have had a few more months of heavy drinking... someone has to do it, for the team or somfin...

EDIT: basically beer/mixers = bad
spirits = good
It all depends. If i drink beer or any kind of mixer it does cause issues beer more than anything else. However spirits striat have no negative impact what so ever. I dont think its the alcohol (after a fair amount of experimenting yay December what anawsome month u were) that causes any problems. I think its the other stuff. Beer has heap of carbs an sugar and so do mixers and i recon its the sugar and carbs that can give u a problem.

Im still trying it out tho and may report on it when i have had a few more months of heavy drinking... someone has to do it, for the team or somfin...

EDIT: basically beer/mixers = bad
spirits = good

On that note, I have actually heard that the less of 2 evils is vodka lime and soda, the reason is cause ur not drinking spirits straight (which you can get messing on really quickly) and because the soda doesn't contain as many sugars and carbs. This is vodka lime and soda mixed yourself, as the pre-mixed versions still contain large amounts of sugar.
I got 2 bottles of vodka for $50 and a bottle of Jamersons for around #30 somfin. Yes im drunk now and all i can say is wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is not a drill bye

Mix a scoop of whey with every shot of drink you have and tomorrow you will be jacked.
It works, really.
Hey buddy

if you wanna lose weight
short term = drop carbs
long term = increase your metabolism... how?
by building more muscle... the more muscle the more calories
your body has to burn to just maintain the muscles...

by the way dont drop carbs to long
coz you will plateu in weight loss and lose muscle

Natural Bodybuilder
I find it funny when non-alcoholics rhapsodise about how you can avoid a hangover. If you want bodybuilding advice, you ask someone who has lots of muscle. If you want hangover advice, you ask an alcoholic. EVERYTHING in the right quantities gives you a hangover, a hangover means you perform poorly in the gym. Alcohol is a sedative, and when you're shifting iron you want a stimulant.

After a big night I feel like crap in the morning, I still force myself into the gym but my performance is half as good at best. There are many studies that link alcohol with cancer and heart disease, but it is hard to beat several cold beers on a hot day and a holiday from your brain :-)
I find it funny when non-alcoholics rhapsodise about how you can avoid a hangover. If you want bodybuilding advice, you ask someone who has lots of muscle. If you want hangover advice, you ask an alcoholic. EVERYTHING in the right quantities gives you a hangover, a hangover means you perform poorly in the gym. Alcohol is a sedative, and when you're shifting iron you want a stimulant.

After a big night I feel like crap in the morning, I still force myself into the gym but my performance is half as good at best. There are many studies that link alcohol with cancer and heart disease, but it is hard to beat several cold beers on a hot day and a holiday from your brain :-)

Your crazy havent u seen the Drunken Master? Alcohol gives you power everyone knows that.