this week i climbed up and down hills carrying around 60 kgs at a time.One part was so steep, i almost shit my pants.Srs,i was frightened.I get yelled at if im too slow,so its a bit of a conundrum,take risks to avoid getting yelled at or take baby steps and get yelled shit,i was literally on all fours like fucking spider man at 1 stage,scared as fuck.Also the logging crew made a fucking mess so not only do i have to contend with the nasty ass terrain ive gotta navigate around fucking cut down tree tops that are a kunt to get thru.Yeah and also when it rains its slippery as fuk.My leg strength is slowly returning,cardio is improving too.
best planter out there is a 6 3 fijian,hes a freakin mountain goat,just so well balanced,doesnt get bothered by steep shit and moves at speed through the rough.Ole stumpy legs here takes twice as long as him to move,curse my gnome genetics.
Some days ill plant too,if the boss thinks he can donkey by himself,yep ive been out of serious forestry work for nearly 10 yrs,i used to smash big tallies on the flat grass,now its steep and rubbish and im older and slow as fuk.Ive noticed ill stop and survey before i move whereas beforehand i used to gung ho it.Costs me time.