Lol. Yeah a lot like bodybuilders. Everyone is a MMA fighter but not many have ever had an actual MMA fight.
or even gone and seen a real fight , they just watched the videos on youtube
Lol. Yeah a lot like bodybuilders. Everyone is a MMA fighter but not many have ever had an actual MMA fight.
Some of us do from our physics and electronics studies, We're just not authorised here to even run our own network cables
I hear you loud and clear. If you ever want to hear someone get on their high horse, just start me off on competency based training and the whole "communication cabler" industry that hes developed because of the inter-web!
or even gone and seen a real fight , they just watched the videos on youtube
What is 'meta'?
Do you even fap?
I can spar with a personal trainer so that makes me a legit boxer.
Wearing a tapout T-Shirt doesn't make you an authentic MMA fighter?
I can spar with a personal trainer so that makes me a legit boxer.
Ill admit 90% of people wearing fight gear do not train and are douchebags but theres nothing wrong with wearing something that is a fight brand if you dont fight. l wear Billabong and im not a surfer, does that mean l cant wear it?
Because 90% of the time someone wearing a tapout singlet is going to be a gigantic bogan douchebag.
Haven't been me heaps of time to concoct an unbelievable (literally) story.How did you go going to America and doing a professional fight? Word on the street is you won by knockout in the 1st round. lm not going to ask for a video as im sure it was too deadly to film.
Myth that your abs will appear as soon as your bodyfat gets low enough...bull shit you need to train those pricks!! Lol