The official ghetto booty
lolI think you'll be right mate (except for your curls)

lolI think you'll be right mate (except for your curls)
Never worn a belt, damn annoying silly things. Learn to use your abs kids.
I always thought that I used my abs then I tried a belt and my abs were cramping I was able to use them so much. This has carried over to when I lift without a belt.
My personal opinion now is that belt allow you to lift more weight with poor form. And can entrench that poor form, and the end you get injured.
My front squat drop 30kg by loosing my belt, to me they make a huge difference to my total.
I think all training should be beltless, however if competing it could be used for peaking cycles before comps.
Just so you know your personal opinion is wrong.
Belts don't cause poor form.
Your a Twat.
Someones personal opinion is just that.
If there was facts to say one way or another show them, otherwise understand these are peoples opinions and take from them what you will.
I'm all for wearing a belt, but you need to learn how to use it properly. Too many people I've seen wear them like something to keep their pants up. If you don't know how to keep tight during a lift and how a belt can help with that, best not to belt up, for you will have that false sense of security and will injure yourself.
Btw a belt slightly changes your leverage, so beware.
I never squat (or deadlift) without my belt nowadays. When you know how to use it, it helps soooo much. And no, that is not a bad thing. I've never heard a sensible argument as to why you shouldn't use one. It allows you to lift bigger weights, it allows you to engage your abs more effectively, it helps create greater intra-abdominal pressure and thus protect the spine from rounding, etc etc etc.