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Is it bad to drink too much at once? I have a 1 litre bottle which I usually drink in 10-15 mins and then refill and drink later.
Is it bad to drink too much at once? I have a 1 litre bottle which I usually drink in 10-15 mins and then refill and drink later.

Drink too much water in as little a time as 10-15 minutes (when you don't need to) and the only thing that would happen is you'd end up with lethargy. In other word you'll be tired due to flushing out your sodium. Either add some sea salt to the water or slow down your consumpotion of it. The 8 glasses of water a day is a myth that began long time ago birch!


That explains why I was feeling so lethargic when I started drinking heaps of water thinking that it'd help my weight training.

Right now I'm relying on my body to tell me if I need to drink water & how much.
That explains why I was feeling so lethargic when I started drinking heaps of water thinking that it'd help my weight training.

Right now I'm relying on my body to tell me if I need to drink water & how much.

Keep in mind that the food you eat carries within it plenty of water also, especially fruits and vegies (with plenty of vitamins and minerals to boot). One of the best sodium mineral you can take in comes from celery sticks.


What a goose, he is a kidney specialist and blahs on about that , does he think water is only for kidney filtration?

Our environent is filled with toxins we have one way to excrete them. Our diet also contians an excessive amount of sodium. Yes sodium is vital but then again so are most things we consume.Our cells dehydrate form excess sodium in the blood serum through osmosis and diffusion. (higher concentration on the outside of the cell moving across a cell membrane into a lower concentration) this increases sodium inside cells and osmatic pressure wich dehydrates every cell in our body.

Now i know if i wake up and dont drink at least 1L of water i feel like epic shit.

This guy is babbling on with shit on youtube so he can get noticed by the general population who has no idea about anything then he can get recognition because people do what fadi has just done posted said retards video into palces to get us talking about him.

I drink 4-5L daily and my sodium levels are fine.. blood test prove it.

Also excess protein in the diet creaties urea wich is a by product of protein metabolisation excess urea can damage kidneys so it needs to be excreted through urine another reason why when eating high protein your thirst and urinaiton increases.

Drink your water it is good for you this guy is a goose. You dont wash your car in coke why the **** would you cleanse your body with it...

Noobs, the message is basically this: don’t feel guilty because you didn’t down your 8 glasses of water today (even though you had plenty of fruits and vegetables). At least that was my message.

If you notice in the original post birch speaks about drinking 1L in 10-15 minutes and he's asking whether one can drink too much water at once. The direct answer is yes.

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