What do you mean?
I can’t form the link here.
Deforestation for crops causing millions of innocent bug deaths?
What do you mean?
I can’t form the link here.
What do you mean?
I can’t form the link here.
I agree with mick on his point there. Vegans get all high and mighty about not killing animals. Jump on a harvester and watch the rabbits and shit go through it while harvesting cereal crops. Do they think the tropical fruit they eat didn’t require some part of a rain forest chopped down to grow it at some point.
Vegans are still killing animals, just less of them. A human just existing is going to kill animals no matter how green they think they are.
Ok I get it, indirect effects on wildlife by cultivating their habitat.
Nothing indirect about it.
Massive amounts of spraying poisons to kill what is considered pest species, these are billions if animals per acre of land farmed then there is the culling of pigs, kangaroos, deer, foxes, rabbits etc as they damage cash crops.
That's before you consider baby deer, rabbits, hares, mice, wallabies, wombats, snakes, frogs, lizards, countless rodents etc getting minced up by combined harvesters, millions of rodents, lizards etc killed buried alive, crushed and minced up alive while plowing fields.
The most cruelty free diet would realistically be a meat based diet, we can kill one single deer or cow that will feed a whole family for weeks, without contributing to the agonising and needless deaths of billions of animals just so vegans can feel good about eating kale.
And any of the above does not even include and consider slave and child labour employed to harvest these crops in other country and the displacement of native animals in those countries.
so the exact definition of indirect killing. Lol.
Also mick, any farm animal that a meat eater eats still requires feed that comes from farmed land and all that goes along with it.
You could kill a wild animal and eat that but with the current human population it’s not sustainable and that would wipe out wild stocks.
You are stretching to claim that eating vegan is worse for the environment, actually just plain wrong.
The vegans are mistaken if they think their life doesn’t hurt animals but meat is a more environmentally resource hungry form of food.
Rather than trying to use incorrect logic on why eating meat is better for the environment why not just say you want to eat meat. Nothing wrong with that.
Before you argue with me about farming just remember that you strongly claimed chickens had a butthole and a vag and comparing it to the human female anatomy, think about it and then realize you may not understand the topic as good as you think you do.
Nothing indirect about spraying poisons, getting a gun and shooting animals and leaving them in the paddocks to rot.
Grass fed beef? Free range animals?
I never said it would be sustainable, however does not change the facts that vegans essentially kill the same amount of animals as omnivores, and many more than a person following a carnivore diet.
Definitely not wrong, think about how much resources it required to transport the food vegans demand daily around the world, compared to a person following a strict carnivore diet eating locally sourced grass fed free range meats.
How so? What is environmentally draining about locally sourced free range meats? Especially when compared to Avocados shipped from South America and rice shipped from China?
Vegans would disagree with you on this one.
My personal knowledge in chickens is completely irrelevant to the environmental damage caused by shipping vegan foods from all over the world. I could think chickens are plants, still has absolutely no bearing on the damage caused and environmental toll taken just by transporting these foods.
In Australia, farming cattle or sheep on native lands is far better than destroying the habitat to grow crops
"How many animals are killed" is a stupid argument. How many insects are killed by pesticides? It's a dumb thing to pontificate about
I think vegans are just against the slaughter.
yes vegans kill animals indirectly. A farmer applying sprays and shooting Roos is an indirect way vegans contribute to killing animals. If you can’t understand that please look up the definition of indirect.
Grass fed beef requires farming. How do you think farmers supply enough grass to the animals?
Vegans do kill less animals. Your argument is incorrect.
My ma and pa told me to never discuss politics and religion.
im adding diet to the list
LMAO, you serious?? So because I don't slaughter my own cow I also kill indirectly??
It's called pasture, it grows. None of the farmers I know feed their cows other than having them roam on pasture, unless they get put on a feedlot prior to slaughter, but that defeats the purpose of grass fed free range meats.
Kill less animals than who?
Veganism is not a diet, it’s a way of life, a stupid one nonetheless.