Thanks man
Started when I was 17 smoking weed, then started taking pills
Couldn't get to sleep from taking pills at the weekend, started taking codeine pills to get to sleep
Couldn't take as much codeine as I needed because of the paracetamol, being a science man I knew that paracetamol was not water soluble and codeine was so I'd crush the entire box of pills and put it in cold water, then filter through coffee filters and drink
Wasn't hurting me and I like how it felt, started just doing that
Pharmacies stopped selling me codeine
Started buying vicodin instead, was just the same as codeine anyway. All opiates are harmless
Vicodin started getting expensive and I didn't work full time. Started buying dried poppies online instead
A months worth cost me $50 basically, I'd crush them and make infusion tea
Age 19 by this point, chem background allowed me to figure out how to block enzymes to potentiate a dose for 18h
Got up in the morning, made tea, went to work, arrived home still high, made tea and went to sleep, woke up high and made tea.
2 years passed completely high, never sobered up the entire time
Feeling of being high became normality, started taking benzos to get high
Benzos are anti anxiety drugs so it made me simply not give a fuck any more
Decided why bother with life, in death there is literally nothing, no effort needed at all
Massively overdosed on benzos (phenazepam)
Funny thing is I had a gram (1000mg - dose is 0.5mg). Instead of swallowing the gram I just had "enough"
Woke up in hospital a week later
Decided if I couldn't kill myself I'd just do epic shit and whatever the fuck I wanted instead
Benzos still very much having an effect even 2 weeks later
Check out of hospital still high on benzo overdose, decide to become superhuman
Start lifting weights, fucking killing it every day
Don't touch drugs again for 3 years
Move to other side of the world, just fucking because
2 years in Australia, psychosis from massive drug use begins to wear off
Realise I can smoke or drink occasionally and it doesn't matter
Still lift weights because it's all I really enjoy and the only reason I haven't just fucking killed myself
And here I am today