Plus, the growing power of Chinas' navy only contributes to this type of stuff from the west, especially the fact they have the fastest growing submarine fleet in the world to date, they are top units too, surprised the US fleet by popping up in the middle of the US without the US knowing until they surfaced. Lets not forget that China is a communist country run by a General, with a bunch of Commanders, not a President or Prime Minister, we will see allot more of this stuff as China keeps growing its military.
War and military might? Yes, but the "war" I see is different from the war that many are predicting. Military might will never win the hearts of men, never! The next "war" will be the "war" of the intellect; the war of the minds, for that's the only way to win or have a real opportunity in convincing the man who disagrees with your point of view.
The world has changed dramatically just in the last decade. You, yes you … and I have suddenly become super-powerful thanks to the technological media that is at our finger tips if we choose to take advantage of it. Oppressive and suppressive governments are a thing of the past in the sense that they can not get away with it like they’ve been previously.
Look at the mid-east, look at the US and what is occurring in New York and other US states. It’s world news and no country in the world can prevent us from going international with it if we choose to. Some talk of WWIII as always being country A attacking country B. I say this does not have to be the case anymore since the demise of any nation (government) can be affected internally via internal sources, as we are witnessing and have witnessed in the previous months in some mid-east countries.
The power is you the power is me. Welcome to the new era of warfare!