This is pile of elephant shit and therefore nullifies all the elephant shit that followed that particular advertisement.
Its like selling $90 crossfit hats to wankers. Someone will buy them, but you don't need one to be a douche.
A primary trigger for strength is grip. Getting a good connection with the weight is vital for optimal progress. Gloves get in the way, prevent proper grip and are just another piece of shit to sell people who would rather buy shit than get strong. To get an even better connection, use chalk. But, yes, gloves will keep your hands soft. Or you could just use some lanolin before you stroke the weeping taco. That works. Or use your tongue.
If you need gloves to get a decent grip on a bar because the knurl is no good, go join a proper gym. Gyms that aspire to make you average are a millstone around your neck. Go to a serious gym to use serious equipment and get some decent progress. A gym that skimps on REAL vital equipment, like a fukkin barbell, should be burnt to the ground and pissed on.
Now, there have been one or two "members" who have disguised advertising as a research post. Just like there are members who are recruiting for their religion by posting advertising in disguise as research or a feel good article. Best defence is to avoid being a dumb kunce and wakedafuqup.
And use chalk. Its even more badass than wearing some smelly overpriced wank grips. You see lots of douche bags wearing gloves (see the OP's ad at the beginning of the thread) but you never see them using chalk. Or lifting heavy weights. I think you see the solution.