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I'm happy for Australia to take the leading role.

Are you kidding? Then we'd be Trillions of dollars in debt as well from being the "World Police Force".

Secondly, look at our Defence Force lol. Nothing Nuclear powered, no Aircraft Carriers, no Boomers, very little Special Forces. We would be considered a joke if we tried to take on the role the U.S. filled for many years.
Why do we have to restrict our thinking to force and military might Sir? History has shown us that force can surely beat your enemy, but never win their hearts and minds.

The heart oppressed is never conquered.
What do we do? Give the bad guys (yes there are bad people out there), give the bad guys manicures and massages lol?
quite simple really. with a lot of dickhead countries (alien to our western traditions and interests), we need a powerful military. at present it is led by the US of A.

In time, more pressure will emerge for western players and allies to play a larger role. Free riding on back of US now has limitations.

Forget the rest, the West is the best.
In that case force will be met with force. I think we underestimate human nature. I don't believe we're born inherently bad (as most western minds think), but rather believe that we're born inherently good.

The west is best only when it's just towards others, and this formula is not restricted to the west but to each and every human being, individually and collectively speaking. That's a fact.
what is the alternative?; the middle east option or perhaps china. don't make me laugh.

I am proud to be pro-west. If you don't like it, then leave the country.

The west will fight back from its present difficulties. If not, then humanity is fucked.
In that case force will be met with force. I think we underestimate human nature. I don't believe we're born inherently bad (as most western minds think), but rather believe that we're born inherently good.

There are bad people, they are called Sociopaths and Psychopaths. The part of their Brain which allows them to feel Empathy is less developed, whether through nature or nurture.
no you leave. I prefer secular views, and views based on reality. Military might will always prevail or be very important, preferably one influenced by Western traditions.

That is my self interest, and that is what I believe is best for the world.
I respect all views and express my right to comment on them.

In other countries, many non western ones, no such right exists. you criticise or even report those in power, off to jail you go.

heaven help Australia if we ever become like the dickhead nations.
the problem with Trump is he is a dickhead who has too many faults to hide.

But leaders in his mould will emerge to reject some of the current trends.
quite simple really. with a lot of dickhead countries (alien to our western traditions and interests), we need a powerful military.
So "others" are simply dickheads! And they are so only because they don't share your point of view. That is not something I'd be proud to say (and I speak for myself).

I prefer secular views, and views based on reality.
You're welcome to your views, who is challenging them? Sure I can challenge your views with my intellect, as that's how humans reason and communicate their message across one another. Surely you're not objecting to that. What I object to is you trying to force your views on to me, not through a dialogue of the minds, but through the point of a gun. That's why I came to this country as a 12 year old boy. It was not by choice. You can only ask me to leave when what you want me to leave is something you do own, and you do not own this land. So don't ask of me what you have no right to ask please. Thank you.

western traditions and interests
What exactly are these, and are they a perfect model for humanity?

Military might will always prevail or be very important, preferably one influenced by Western traditions.
Prevail what exactly? The hearts and minds of men, hearts and minds that can never be conquered through force and might. This is a fact, its our human history.

That is my self interest, and that is what I believe is best for the world.
And you're entitled to your opinion, as long as you don't try and force it down people (or nations') throats. I think that's only fair and just, wouldn't you agree?
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well, all I have offered is my opinion. others may have a different opinion which is their business.

I conclude again with my belief that the world needs leadership by western liberal democracies; anything lese will be a step backwards for humanity.

I wont be responding to any more of your political comments Fadi; peace man. the best thing our ancestors did was come to this great western country.

Go and have a drink to celebrate.
When will Hillary learn that filth is filth, irrespective if the perpetrator of it happened to be your husband or not. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Why do some politicians think they're above human moral standards? But worse still, why does the American public tolerate such filth when leaders' words and actions ought to be a shining example for the ones been led? Moreover, when those leaders come from a country so powerful as to be the world's policeman, one is made to wonder; on what bases and by what standards do these leaders apply their judgment of others? Do they have a right to do so, or has the world reach such a stage where only military force does the talking, irrespective whether you're right or wrong, as sheer force would simply take care of anything and everything, as human life loses its value and human dignity exists no more...

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And what do these secular views teach you about treating others who don't think like you or share the same views as you do?

Well, what you do is call the other party ignorant, side step any facts that don't fit your view and retaliate with insults and diversions. In other words, you Trump them.
Well, what you do is call the other party ignorant, side step any facts that don't fit your view and retaliate with insults and diversions. In other words, you Trump them.
You've had your chance, yet you failed and kept on failing miserably. Perhaps you need to move on. Thank you Sir.
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Don't worry Woody, Fadi hasn't got a clue on this topic, Darko is just trolling as usual and sprouting right wing crap.

Perhaps you should think of the harm your posts may create if Donald Trump gets elected @Fadi; the harm to all those everyday people in America.

On women:

Donald Trump: "You have to treat 'em like shit."


Trump might not have paid federal income taxes for 18 years-after nearly a billion dollar loss in 1995-according to a New York Times report.


Donald Trump said Sunday night that he "of course" used his nearly $1 billion claimed loss in 1995 to avoid paying federal income taxes.

"I understand it, the tax code, better than anybody that's run for president," Trump said at the second presidential debate in St. Louis.


Donald Trump is proposing a tax plan with a "Trump Loophole" that gives the wealthy a backdoor tax cut, establishing a 15% rate for business owners like Donald Trump.


Trump's tax cuts would give his own family billions. (We won't know exactly how much until he releases his tax returns.)


Trump said not paying taxes makes him "smart."

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