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And if you picture Bazza as just a grumpy bastard you'll most likely be less angry with him

I couldn't be angry with bazza. That's like being angry at a retarded baby lamb. I just don't think he contributes anything and sabotages discussions deliberately for a laugh.
Trump - Republican Nominee

I couldn't be angry with bazza. That's like being angry at a retarded baby lamb. I just don't think he contributes anything and sabotages discussions deliberately for a laugh.

Telling someone you want them to die young and saying they are as bad as any terrorist isn't getting angry, you believe that is a contribution, it's not sabotaging a discussion. Lol

Saying you were angry and probably drunk would as least be a bit of an excuse for your ramblings last night.

You really don't think your posts through to much do you. You keep shafting yourself.
To be honest fudge, from what I can see in this thread there were only two people carrying on like that, you and Johnny with the personal insults and name calling.
Not judging mate just pointing it out
To be honest fudge, from what I can see in this thread there were only two people carrying on like that, you and Johnny with the personal insults and name calling.
Not judging mate just pointing it out

Hey, I let fly inappropriately, said so, and apologized. More than I've seen any other prick on here do.

I'm sure Baz will get a good 6 months worth of value out of that, because that'a what he does. He seems to write to me a lot but doesn't understand all I see of his comments is if someone quotes him. Could be love.

You kunce wasted a whole afternoon debating teh difference between terrorism and hate crimes. Can you not see each others point of view? I think both sides were correct to a degree, and both answers are related; but no, keep on arguing because someone has to be right and someone has to be wrong.
you have to resort to insults as its probably the only thing he understands.

ive never once seen bazza accept another point of view or alter his own based other peoples thoughts.

he is the epitome of ignorace and what is worse is think he actually wins these debats by causing you to give up due to his inability to even understand the argument. its pretty pathetic. would love to see him take an iq test, be farkin low.

if thats how you debate people in real life, people must hate you

This is amusing coming from the guy that got into this discussion only to rant and abuse someone who had a slightly different view to them. Do you not remember what you have been posting.

my point is that the answer maybe more complicated that it appears and we need to look beyond the black and white headlines of it all, an approach that is wasted on here
Dear Barry,

You are already on ignore, for some reason Tapatalk sometimes notifies me when you quote me even though I do not see your rubbish posts. I will endeavour to fix that shortly. I suggest you put me on ignore also. Please do not engage me in any way on this forum and I will do the same. That should free up a lot of your time to focus on other things that do not matter.


There is no winning of debates on the Internet. You'll very rarely change any ones mind and it doesn't matter anyway. What we say on here doesn't make a scrap of difference to the world. We do it because we want to get it of our chests do have a bit of a vent, discussion, argument.

And back to insulting my IQ. Lol.
This forum?
*people cannot generally take a joke

you will note that Maintain anonymity, I think there is a reason for that.

we are all good people here although not many here (numbers), do come back here to see the aggressive, immature and argumentative posts?

Or do you just like to talk about weightlifting and the good things it produces?

more and more Bazinga20 I think you are just a tad lonely and enjoy revving up people who are passionate about some things that you are not?

yeh and thats why you ruin it for everyone. some of us want to have a discusion on ideas and thoughts in the same manner as you would in person. this is why you are a parasite on this forum.

i wouldnt even talk to someone like you in person if thats how you act.

Definition of ignore
refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.

You are not doing a very good job of it are you. I'll say again, think about what you say before you post.

We all know you a still reading my posts despite saying dozens of times on ignore.

Why would I put you on ignore. Your posts are gold of late.

this. the forum would be a far better place without him

I was debating the topic. You and another here ruined the debate with the rambling insults rather than replying to the points.

Why would I care if you would talk to me?
It's not about winning an argument, it's about furthering your (or others) point of view. The fact that you relate it to winning/losing explains the fundamental problem with your approach and why you are so dysfunctional.
It's not about winning an argument, it's about furthering your (or others) point of view. The fact that you relate it to winning/losing explains the fundamental problem with your approach and why you are so dysfunctional.

Failed again. I said their is no winning of an argument on the net.