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training supplements


New member
Im coming to Oz soon and was wondering if theres plenty of protein shops in the major cities? and what kind of price is a tub of protein? creatine? protein bars etc?? i take it most gym sell it ready made too? what kind of prices do the charge? do you get the cnp supplements in oz??
PLENTY of supp stores in the cities and also online in aus...prices will be up and down mate depending on the product, brand etc etc for example WPI for a few kgs' could be anywhere from $80-$180, protein bars - normally about $4-$5 - most gyms will sell protein rtd drinks...

Have not seen much/if any CNP stuff sold in aus...I know they are VERY big in England/Great Britain.
cnp professional is a supllement company based in manchester uk. probably one of the most popular brand over here with a whole wide range of supplements. I have looked on the aussie online protein stores etc but was a bit unsure about postage etc when i wouldnt have a fixed address in oz.If theyre widely avaialble in cities then its no problem.
Just buy from bulk aussie sites online like proteindirect.com.au or even bulkpowders.com.au

Just my $0.02

+1 your coming to Australia which has the best and purest protein in the world (no bull) so buy Australian while your here.
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protein is a rip off here compared to say.. the US.. its ridiculous how much more we have to pay when our dollar is only a couple cents shy.. we pay AT LEAST double, and can we order protein from overseas? no! completely ludicrous
Quality? The fact australias have better working conditions and four weeks holiday pay a year? Maternity leave? Minimum wage? All these luxuries we get that Americans don't and you want to throw it all away so your cost of production lightens and the protein is cheaper? Screw that! Buy Australian! Support your country man! Buy Aus and get the BEST quality.

Secondly.. Why is it so hard for you to buy cheap Aussie protein but I manage ok?
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Mate it's a free country, he can buy protein from where ever he likes. I buy local because I like my protein delivered quickly and hate Customs hassels.
The french have better working conditions than us but does that mean that supplements should be double aussie prices? No. Australia has it good in some respects and I am proud to be Australian. But holidays and medicare have nothing to do with the price of protein. Im talking about mainstream brands like optimum nutrition etc even aussie brands like Bsc charge ridiculous prices for all supps when compared to the US. Electronics and clothes also are WAY cheaper. We definitely get the short straw in regards to retail prices for alot of things. Everything I can get overseas I do, simply because of the huge savings. I would love to buy here but the prices are outrageous. But yes I do agree you can pick up bulk no name powders for reasonable prices locally.. but those prices are similar to what you'd pay for mainstream brands in the US.
Main stream brands? Have you no idea the crap they put into most of them?

Your comparing a country of 20 million people to America and France. Your comparing a country that has heavy import fees due to our strict customs which I would NOT change as protecting our country from anything from drugs to agricultural diseases is of high priority.

Clothes? You validated my point. If you payy a Mexican four dollars and hour and don't give him holiday pay and he makes 4 t shirts an hour how does that compare to an Australian who is on 20 an hour, getting holiday and sick pay, entitled to stress leave and maternity pay. The cost is much higher yeah? Take the Mexican out of the equation Americas minimum wage is tiny.

America is also a coutry of 200 million people which leads to thicker competition in that sort of industry.

If you buy a kilo of Austrlian protein let's break it down... The shop you buy it from has overheads, they had to freight it from the producer, the producer of the protein has overheads and all the while both companies need to make some form of profit to make it worth while to be in business. With a country of 20 million there is a limited market as most of those people are fat and lazy. I highly doubt Australias protein exports are keeping them afloat. There is also strong competition is Australia in the supplement industry and they couldn't be all price fixing could they? Could it be that they aren't trying to rip us off they are trying to run a business./

If you want to buy American that's fine and Shrek can you please stop trying to sensor my opinion as I feel passionate about this and I'm not making him buy Australian I'm just saying he would be stupid not too.

Buy some American stack! Go for it! Read the side of the tub and here all it's wonderful, muscle building, side splitting benefits.

Or buy Australian where the only sales pitch you read is a no bull attitude towards the quality of the protein due to the hi tech way of processing it.

Horleys they are an nz brand. I was so surprised after reading the side of one of their tubs. They didn't say I would be huge if I took it, they didn't mention the anabolic properties or anything like that.

Everytime you spend money it's like placing a vote(food matters). That's who you vote for and what you believe. So cast your vote and if it's for American suppliers so be it but I believe you are better off buying bulk Austrlian and mixing your own supplements for price and for health reasons.
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I forgot to say. A $20 tub over in America cost 40 here right? Their minimum way is 5 and ours is 16... Ours is cheaper. See the inflation in our dollar now? Just blame our old labor governments for making the inflation worse and blame our unions for arguing ridiculous work conditions.

If an American buys protein it hurts his wallet just the same if nit worse and if it wasn't for an almost equal dollar due to greedy banks you wouldn't even have an arguement
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protein is protein, no matter how much companies try to say theirs is the best there's not alot of difference.. at the end of the day whey is whey. As for other supplements yes I agree there is alot of hyped up garbage out there but not everyone is smart enough to know that celltech is just creatine and dextrose and people pay 1000x the price for it. Alot of people would buy from another company over horleys because they believe what it says on the tub. Horleys prices are ridiculous too. Supplements are way over priced to begin with, so why make them even more expensive. Because of minimum wage and strict customs? Customs is too strict, but I would rather they be too strict then let everything through. Minimum wage is more so charge more for everything? Every company has overheads. Im paying to import products from a company with overheads, but I can still get everything bar protein delivered to my door for half aussie retail prices. Strong competition should mean competitive prices, but Aus companies are competing with imported products and charging similar prices. I am a fan of bulk powders because that is the cheapest way to get whey IN Australia. I buy things where ever I can get them cheapest, right now for most things its overseas. Everyone is not on the minimum wage bro. US minimum wage is anywhere from 7.25 to 8.40 state dependant, but they get tips so that wage could easily get to 16 per hour if your good at your job and everything there is cheaper so who is getting the short straw?
I'm not discussing this with you anymore as protein is not just protein. Your protein should be of high quality like everything else you but in your body.

Strong competition does mean competitive prices... "pulls hair out" our cost is more!!! The prices are competitive but inflation of our dollar makes you think they aren't... Get it? Your comparing US dollar products to Australian products... Get it yet? 1 aus dollar buys a pack of gum. 1 US dollar buys three packs of gum. Work for an hour here $16 work for an hour there $5... If their $ wasn't so bad you wouldn't even be making a point you would be buying aus. The IS dollar will recover again... End of story

Edit: not all minimum wage Americans receive tips I'm just making a point that Americans get payed less and get less benefits so there is a difference in price. What is the point buying American if it's cheap buts it's not the best?
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I agree not all protein is created equel.. When i was looking at starting my own business and sourcing things from china they sell whey by the tonne. lol

I think i will pass...
Whether you buy on-line or in store you are going to be ripped off in Australia. Most of the international brands are controlled by only a few people. There is a virtual cartel operating in Australia that no one is prepared to challenge. GNC supplements are 4 or 5 times what you'd pay in the US, even with the $AUS at virtual parity to the $US. Why anyone still shops there is beyond me. For this reason, even locally made product has massive wholesale margin.

My advice...spend the money on good quality food and if you must use supplements buy them from overseas.
Your advice is counter productive to this countries supplement future. Eat good Australian food an buy good Australian products. If the aus dollar wasnt equal you wouldn't even have a point... It won't be equal for long