Hi everyone
Hoping for some advice on 2.4km time trial for police entry test. In Feb I started training x 5 days at the gym, combination of strength work and conditioning and fat loss (I was 30kg heavier then) . In July I started running the 2.4 distance as a warm up prior to training. I would do this around 3 times a week and it seemed to be going well. In September I posted 13.03 (I had to get 14.10). I was pretty comfortable about this. After the test we were advised NOT to train for the 2.4 by doing the 2.4km but rather do longer runs of 5km and building up to 20-25km a week - I had to do this on a treadmill as I get up at 4am and don't want to run outside at that time. So I did that as well as x 3 times a week in the gym. In the last 4 weeks I have been doing interval training on treadmill x 30 secs off and 30 secs on at 11 speed to 30 minutes
Yesterday I posted a 16 minute time for the 2.4km time trial and felt awful the whole run like I had never run. I was out of breath and it was horrible.
I now have to re test in Feb.
I don't why my running has gone backwards, what I am doing wrong.
Any advice on what my training should look like would be appreciated as I am getting all sorts of different advice, ie keep doing long slow runs, no do intervals, no dont train for the 2.4 by doing the 2.4, yes do this...
Hoping for some advice on 2.4km time trial for police entry test. In Feb I started training x 5 days at the gym, combination of strength work and conditioning and fat loss (I was 30kg heavier then) . In July I started running the 2.4 distance as a warm up prior to training. I would do this around 3 times a week and it seemed to be going well. In September I posted 13.03 (I had to get 14.10). I was pretty comfortable about this. After the test we were advised NOT to train for the 2.4 by doing the 2.4km but rather do longer runs of 5km and building up to 20-25km a week - I had to do this on a treadmill as I get up at 4am and don't want to run outside at that time. So I did that as well as x 3 times a week in the gym. In the last 4 weeks I have been doing interval training on treadmill x 30 secs off and 30 secs on at 11 speed to 30 minutes
Yesterday I posted a 16 minute time for the 2.4km time trial and felt awful the whole run like I had never run. I was out of breath and it was horrible.
I now have to re test in Feb.
I don't why my running has gone backwards, what I am doing wrong.
Any advice on what my training should look like would be appreciated as I am getting all sorts of different advice, ie keep doing long slow runs, no do intervals, no dont train for the 2.4 by doing the 2.4, yes do this...