For me it was in my early 20's
In my youth i had never really bothered about looking after myself too much , thinking about my future health etc
In my younger years as a teen I had hit the gym a few times with school and friends but it wasn't something i actively did
But i had an eye opener when my dad who has a pretty fucked up back started suffering major health problems , it was a real eye opener for me , I didn't want to go down that path so thought now is the time to start investing in my future
I quit smoking , turned bike riding from just transportation into recreation and fitness training, i started feeling stronger and more alive , my bike training route took me past the local gym, I had always thought joining a gym would be expensive so had never looked into it before ,but this one day i decided to stop in and found out that it was rather quite cheap
So I became a member and started going once or twice a week , the gym did have a free assement so I took up the offer and got a routine written up , I stuck to the routine but noticed I wasn't getting anywhere ,I hit the net reading up as much crap as i could deciphering the mine field of information
SO here i am today feeling much better with myself , much more healthier and stronger mind body and soul
I am still rather active with cycling , it's a great adventure getting out there and hiting the road , I do both road and mountain biking