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Time for a fat tax ?

fat tax on airplanes I agree with. Makes no sense to me why I should have to pay through the nose for going over a 20kg bag limit when me plus bag =100kg and old mate next to me weighs 150kg himself?

If they were to tax junk food it would be very difficult to actually determine what is "junk" anyway. All the fast food places have already included healthier options and if people don't want to eat them you can't really make them change.

Possibly subsidising farmers so that we could get cheaper fruit, veg & meats would be an option? Money has to come from somewhere though and most likely woolies/coles would just pocket the difference.
I have a theory.

1) Measure everyone's BMR. Factor in everyone's exercise adjustment to BMR.
2) Monitor everyones food intake. Daily caloric surplus costs you 'credits' and caloric deficit earns you 'credits'.
3) I'm not sure what 'credits' are, maybe go towards or against your shopping bill?
4) This encourages people to be more aware of the caloric value of foods. Everyone can still eat whatever food types they want.
5) Yes bodybuilders... bulking costs a bit more money but it'd be balanced out by the months that you're cutting.

I'm not suggesting this should happen. Its just one way that a "fat tax" could be implemented. Otherwise some panel or government agency has to determine which foods are good/bad which will lead to lots of arguments. Are there any others?

when medicare gets abolished and employers have to cough up for health care
(possibly next federal government) the way to get hired/keep your job is to be healthy .
when medicare gets abolished and employers have to cough up for health care
(possibly next federal government) the way to get hired/keep your job is to be healthy .

Does this happen in the US with their health system? Hired/keep jobs from being healthy?

Right or wrong... no government will ever want to be the one to abolish medicare. Will result in a lot of voter hate.

IMO they should abolish centerlink before medicare. Medicare actually helps people that need it.
Please, why bother, natural selection will prevail in the end.

By the way nearly everyone here is grossly overweight.

I am in the extreme obese category at 115kg, yet I lift weights 3 to 4 times a week and run 3-7km a day, and follow a healthy diet.
They can't fat people will die from obesity related illness, got a friend of a friend, who is a fat lazy slob, he is about 4 or 5 years younger than me and had his first heart attack late last year. Before he even hit 40.

Depends on the industry in the US.

Here some of the multinationals expect their staff to go to the company gym and keep fit , if they want to be seen as team players/be inline for promotions etc.

It won't be abolished it'll be privatised/out sourced to "save money".

Like they did with the job agencies that ended up costing more than centerlink used to.
I got turned down for life insurance because i was considered morbidly obese by the bmi. I think if they do bring the tax in they should lower it in other places such as house stamp duty and car tax. but they're never going to lower anything.
On food no, its not up to some government entity to determine which foods are good or bad.

On airplanes and public transport, yes. The extra weight costs more fuel which they currently factor in and spread among all passengers. This is unfair.

Also making those who are tall (a bigger contributor to total weight) pay more as well?
But the difference is a cigarette tax makes sense. Any amount of smoking is harmful so smokers may as well pay a tax to cover the extra health care they will need.

you mad your bulk is more expensive now? haha

One could argue that this does make some sense then by that logic... the health care system will need more money to cover the extra health care fat people need.
Bad luck if your not obese, just like badluck if you enjoy having a few cigarettes a week/month/not often.

The wrong way to fight obesity, but it birngs $$$ in so the goverment will go through with it.

The difference is. Smoking is always harmful to your health. Eating fatty or high calorie food can be perfectly fine for people depending on the situation.