Think back to the 50's, 3 square meals a day, meat/veg & carbs were the staple. Women were homemakers & child rearers, husbands were the bread winners.
Fast forward to today, where women are career orientated, even after they've made the choice to have children. Food itself is supplied with immediacy & convenience. Day care costs are ridiculous, the cost of living is ridiculous & take away food or 'fast food' has become the 'norm' for many households? Parents are busier & never has there been more pressure to work hard to achieve the lifestyle people desire?
The result? We have the fattest generation of children, ever.
Adults are more stressed out, financially strung out & children are largely raised & educated by our government systems.
Healthcare is strained, mental health is strained & people are fatter.
I think there's a miriad of reasons for this, its not 'just' sugar, its not 'just' fat, its our current lifestyles? A lack of balance? A lack of focus on the basic fundamentals that used to be the norm?
There is no 'answer' to this. But I think the focus needs to be on solutions, rather than 'blame'.