Yes just what we need more effing taxes. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
mwahahaha Skala

didn't Brick already have this thread?
let's tax fat people, yes. Oh and fast foods? Yes cuz half the 'normal sized' people on this forum eat plenty of shit, day after day after day, so yes, let's tax fast food!
let's tax smokers more, because they're fucking up our health system!
let's tax alcoholics, drugs addicts and gambling addicts more because the strain on our health and mental health systems is just unacceptable.
let's hit all people who are outside of their weight range, as indexed (i.e. almost everyone on this forum and certainly about 70% of Australia) with a carbon tax bill. Because they're bigger, they breathe more air and their farts would contain more gas....therefore, contributing to destroying the earth.
Man I could just go on forever......