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There is a group of indian guys that train at my gym...they think they are pro-bodybuilders I swear....they film eachother training, they very serious watermelons under there arms and whenever Iam working at the supp shop they come in and try and bargin with me like we are in a fucking asian food market....the other week they come in we have a tub of protein for $80...no no they want 2 of the same for $100...I ignore them and go back to postwhoring on here...."ok ok 2 for $110" me "Really, NO" lolol
We need a video of that Deep!

Trained this morning....there is this fairly fat woman, and for about 2 years she has been talking about competing in a bbing/figure comp...she comes in and buys protein RTD's and bars all the time...she even asked me the other day if we could get this one kind of bar in....I am think wtf...you need to be eating real food...chicken, salad, vegggies whatever!

She has not changed one bit in 2 years (maybe lost a lil weight 3-5kgs) - and this morning she was doing arms in the gym :| just arms on there own....when I saw her she was doing laying bicep curl on the cable row machine superset with skullcrushers...then she did light pressdowns....W.............T............F
And she screams the entire time? No matter what she's doing???

Mental health perhaps?

Or is she disabled, in any way?
No headphones! Hair out, short shorts, tight top. Attention whore?

Very weird....

And she screams the entire time? No matter what she's doing???

Mental health perhaps?

Or is she disabled, in any way?

This could be possible...you always have these sorts of ppl at every gym that just arnt right in the head....they may have some sort of mental health or disabled in away...its strange to see but you have these sorts at every gym....
Ahhh boys, must be seen to be believed. Will get something for you next week, I know she trains thursday arvos....
For the last 3 days at the camp gym, there is 3 curl bros, one of them has a half decent shape, smallish legs...but they do the wierdest shit, mostly they just walk around and flex in the mirror...not just a quick flex, but full on flexing as if they are in front of MR O judges!!
The only one with muscles actually spoke to me and said he wants to compete this year...frankly there are more blokes on here with better physiques than him, if he spent more time working out than posing he would be so much further ahead!!

Given me and everyone else in the gym a laugh for 3 days so far...
2 pairs of awsome breasts, was very distracting, difficult to focus today, ohh so tight low cut tops damm, one is crazy pretty also.

But some random lad in the gym today from out west, trains here when he is in town
94kg, benching, 140 for 10 reps, 160 for 6 reps flat, no arch, easy, after chattin to him, he last week did 200 x 3, and is hopeing to get 220 soonish, freaking awsome.
he is going to concentrate on footy this year and maybe next year, have a crack at powelifting..
2 pairs of awsome breasts, was very distracting, difficult to focus today, ohh so tight low cut tops damm, one is crazy pretty also.

But some random lad in the gym today from out west, trains here when he is in town
94kg, benching, 140 for 10 reps, 160 for 6 reps flat, no arch, easy, after chattin to him, he last week did 200 x 3, and is hopeing to get 220 soonish, freaking awsome.
he is going to concentrate on footy this year and maybe next year, have a crack at powelifting..

Freakin awesome bench right there...