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training legs at like 7.30pm on a friday night (lol nothing better to do), so near the end of my workout, this group of skinny teenagers on their skateboards, come in, only 1 of them is actually a member so all his 6 buddies got in for free, lol $150 fine if the member is caught. They go over to dumbbell rack right away, pick up 15's which is too heavy and just start curling. They do about 10 reps 1 set and then leave... lol wtf
What I saw in my gym today
Well I had an interesting arvo, my Mother came over to do her workout and we went into the shed only to find a carpet snake/python lying up in the steel beam. It was a fair size of a thing and I didn't really want to fuck with it, but my Mum, wife, kids were all looking at me to grab the friggen thing. Any way I thought if I got and old golf club I might be able to sort of use it like one of those snake hook things and get it into a pillow slip.....


bloody thing went mad, it kinda launched itself at me .....LOL..... ofcourse I shit myself and threw the pillow slip at it and ran like a big girl outa there, it was now on the ground and going berserk at any movement. So i rang the wires people and they came over pretty quick (live just up the end of the street, which was lucky) the fucker climed its ass back up onto the steel beam on the other side of the shed, so thie lady said no no thats good, I can use a large snake bag and it will off balance itself into the bag with aggression. OK, no worries I'll just be out here if you need me.....so she proceeded to go get it and it fucken launched itself off the beam and into the bag but on its way into the bag it managed to bite onto her hand.....SHIT!....what do I do here, so I grabbed my riggers gloves that I use when working on my uts and proceeded to help get it off her. We got it off and although she was bleeding it wasn't real deep and she said she's had worse. Thank fuck the bloody thing is gone...........I hate this rain its bringing all sorts of wild life out of their lairs.
Interesting arvo, Mum decided to do her workout and now the kids won't go down the back LOL.

lol shit aye sounded like fun.
At gym today when i was squatting, this personal trainer told me, hey man dont go so low on the squats its not good for ur knees... i almost pissed myself laughing, anyway i just said yer alright thanx mate, then continued right on squatting deep , he walked past me a few times, i think on the corner of my eye i saw him shaking his head.

Someone says "Dont squat low, its bad for your knees"
Reply with "Don't talk to me, its bad for your left eye"
Me having my first cheat meal in 3 weeks I had a double big Mac meal than thought it was a great idea to train legs I was wrong oh so wrong I only made 6 of my 8 sets of squats thought I don't feel right so I packed my shit up I got about 50 meters out of the gym and threw my gutz up it made me feel better but with everyone looking at me I decided to walk home .

But come 8am tomorrow I'm going to tear the gym a new one
jay a random came to the gym today and asked if training at PTC would help him get stronger and play better at NFL.

I said where were u training before?. He said a crossfit gym
No crossfit thread, I am trying to give it away.
But nothing can stop me from pulling some Crossfit moves at PTC this weekend..... lol appreciate this!
jay a random came to the gym today and asked if training at PTC would help him get stronger and play better at NFL.

I said where were u training before?. He said a crossfit gym

Do you know theres a NFL version of crossfit? It's written by a 10 year veteran player of the NFL and targeted at NFL players. He says its basically the same training the S&C coaches had them doing in their offseason. He's a cool guy and extremely smart on the programming (which makes it very unlike crossfit in that sense) - only thing stopping me from following it is I don't have a home gym - it'd be too difficult to follow at a commercial gym. And the existing crossfit gyms only let ya run their own (bad) program

The main things people usually complain about in relation to crossfit are obscure funky movements, lack of progression and high rep crap - his program avoids all 3 of those
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