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Seated military/overhead press... Easier for a spotter to grab when I fail.
but when u fail a military press, the bar just stops and goes nowhere... its not like u fail fast like in a squat when if u fail u fall to the ground... all u need to do is stop grinding and lower it to your clavicles/delts, then lower it to the ground.

A 15 year old who knows what a clavicle is!
lol its the collar bone
broke my left one in 2 places when i was younger lol and the other side in half, a different time
Seated military/overhead press... Easier for a spotter to grab when I fail.

ive got no problem, just seems a bit silly to be honest. Probably cause i see people "spotting" but instead lifting all the weight from them, leaving the person doing the lift with no benefit what so ever.
a spotter should only ever touch the bar if u cant lift the weight. and when they touch the bar AT ALL, i would not count that rep, or point out that it had a light spot. (especially with spotters who dont know what they are doing because they will usually take too much weight)


a spotter can touch the bar just to get a few more reps(if wanted i dont mean every workout) (force reps) Im not talking about, "its all you bro."

Also useful if i lose my focus during lift. E.g im doing dumbbell bench, lose my focus weight seems stuck, spotter pushes up a little bit, regain focus, do next rep or two fine without spotter.

re read my post.
i added a part, underlined, to further explain my point, i put the part where your "ROASTING" failed, in bold
pfft didn't even read your post

yeah i read it and i noticed it, just sayin' haha

anyway back on topic, what did you see at the gym TODAY callan?

btw - boom roasted - [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G66SEuaBlHY[/ame]
^shes hot, just sayin.

today? i saw nothing i train at home or at my coaches, so i dont see anything stupid/funny, except for this one time when minh was squatting and we hung straw baskets off the ends of the bar... but thats about it
^shes hot, just sayin.

today? i saw nothing i train at home or at my coaches, so i dont see anything stupid/funny, except for this one time when minh was squatting and we hung straw baskets off the ends of the bar... but thats about it

shes a trickster - [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYpwAtnywTk&feature=relmfu]How to trick people into thinking you're good looking - YouTube[/ame]
a lot of "hot girls" look worse without doing hair/make up ect.
you dont say -.- lol the reason they are "hot" is because of their slab of make up... and normally its not the girl who's popular, but her vagina.

why is it that every thread i post in goes way off topic
you dont say -.- lol the reason they are "hot" is because of their slab of make up... and normally its not the girl who's popular, but her vagina.

why is it that every thread i post in goes way off topic

yeah now that i realise, that post i mad was stupid/obvious lol. I'm tired LEAVE ME ALONE

its not off topic if you include the word gym in it.. oh you didn't include it
some twat couldnt judge where the rack hooks were after failing on the last set of MP and dumped the bar on only one side of the rack. yes it was me and now I have a busted up wrist!!