some guy who talks to me when im at the gym, probably 20 something, shirt sleeved up, no muscle ect. you get it - the mr tough guy.
Everytime he comes to talk to me he always says hes a bit sick, not going hard. He tells me he benches 140kg and can get 100kg for 8 reps (never even seen him do this, maybe once doing 100kg - with his spotter hands on bar of course). So he asked me to spot him, he gets to about 3 reps on 70kg on incline bench, i have to pull it hard off him cause he fails. He then gets up and says oh yeah the pt made me do some push ups before, i said how much, he said... 8!
I didn't even see him doing any pushups though lol! And really how could 8 pushups affect his bench so much. 140kg 1rm on bench my arse