New member
Na, haha i was being dramatic, but I can feel the eyes on me, when i'm deadlifting and powercleaning!
yes i train @ a fitness club!
yes i train @ a fitness club!
Lol! Just trying to imagine a gaggle of gaping gym-goers watching you like you've just invented fire.... do they say anything to you or each other?
half way through their set, a guy dressed solely in compression tights jumped out from behind the mirror and sang "my heart wiiiiiill go on and on and on and on and on and ooooooooon!"
true story.
so i had to get my camera phone out today and post a guy who was doing the leg press..
He had just finsihed grunting through a set of bent over rows with 15kgs dumbells and went to the leg press and loaded 12 plates on..
Lets play whats wrong with his form (no prizes for guessing the answer!!)
Though typically benching 60 or 70kg, the spotters are doing most of the work. They occasionally try for a 1rep max, where the bar drops like a stone onto the guys chest then the 3 spotting mates, veins bulging, help him lift the bar back up. High fives among the group promptly follow.
I was discreetly eye raping this chick doing tricep extensions, she kinda looked like my GF so I was making visual comparisons as I did my chin ups.
She gave me this 1/2 dirty look, so I just went about my business, I went and loaded up the cable machine for some seated rows and she comes over and starts conversation asking heaps of questions about my body / training.
She should be cloned, hot AND forward.
public yes , but a gym is private property There's a difference between public property, private property and publicly accessible private property (such as shopping malls, etc)there is no law against taking photos of anyone in public..
No follow through, I'm happily taken. Although with all the old fat women at my community gym, it's a breath of fresh air seeing such a lovely specimen from time to time.Morgan you need to be put in a paddock and put up for stud, I am pretty sure this is not the first story of you being hit on at gym.!!!
Now was there any follow through....?
YES I am geleous, lol..I just get young guys asking me what that exercise is for, and how do I get stronger lol....
No follow through, I'm happily taken. Although with all the old fat women at my community gym, it's a breath of fresh air seeing such a lovely specimen from time to time.