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I curl in the squat rack all the time....and what

It would be great to see someone try to kick you out of it. I believe a "GTFO of my gym" would be in order.

I really don't care how any one else trains unless I am friends with them or training them myself. Otherwise do what you wish while I do what I wish. The only people whose training interests me are strong, fast and powerful people.

I've not seen anyone curl in the power rack since I kicked those three guys out. Either word got around, or we've just been lucky.

You can curl anywhere, you can only squat in the power rack. Get out of the way.
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I like to curl in the power rack because it makes me feel like a caged animal and i believe there is carry over from feeling like a caged animal.
Will no xplode or jack3d help climb over this massive bridge? Or should i buy both and mix them together with a few cans of energy drinks as well?

Back a bit more on topic.... There was a girl PT training yesterday in the gym, possibly around 30 or so wearing the ultimate ass hugging tights ive ever seen any woman wear, between her absolutely epic looks and the fact she was deep squatting and lunging in the rack beside me concentration on the task at hand was pretty difficult... was awesome to see her actually lifting some weights though, up here in far north QLD most girls seem more keen on being skinny and just not eating food than actually being toned, this chick was FIT! A couple of her clients seem pretty fit to so she must know what shes doing.

Should be pics or ban but i didnt have my phone in my pocket at the time
What is the purpose of this thread?

If you have the need to hang shit on other weight trainers I believe you have issues, seriously.
The purpose of the thread is to post up observations in the gym. Is it hanging shit on other trainers? If so, what do you suggest? Close thread?
Some see it has a bit of fun, some see it as hanging shit, I couldn't careless either way.
I don't suggest anything.
It's an observation, you're the mod you decide.

If people get shitty because of what other people are doing they are going for the wrong reason

If it's a bit of fun, I don't get the humour, is all.
I really didnt mean to hang shit on anyone, each to his own i certainly will walk up and help someone or give them advice if they look like they need it and if i can actually offer them anything usefull that wont hinder their training but certainly dont ever discourage anyone from any kind of training, anyone that trains in any aspect or area weight lifting or not should be encouraged not shot down. I see this thread as a bit of a funny read myself...

Most people on this forum know what works and what doesnt work with training and if anyone doesnt im sure if they read up more on this forum they will soon find out. It is pretty funny discussing stupid things you see though ( without putting anyone down ) and also impressive shit you see.
I don't suggest anything.
It's an observation, you're the mod you decide.

If people get shitty because of what other people are doing they are going for the wrong reason

If it's a bit of fun, I don't get the humour, is all.
Well if too many people are offended by it, I'll nuke it. You are the members, you tell me. I don't have a problem with it.
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I have seen some guys squatting in the rack... the other way. No problem with it its just different...