Training in a commy gym the past 1.5 weeks.
- quarter squats abound. One guy was ego lifting for 6 reps. 60kg 1inch high. 100kg 3inches high. 120kg. 5inches high. 140kg. Quarte squats. Maybe 8 inches rom. Maybe. Wasn't too impressed by my balls deep 140x3.

I think he thought "I did 6 reps, ha!" Hehe. Silly fella.
- multiple half rom benchers. The best part about this one was my 110x4@9. All paused. LOL.
- I did see three legitimate depth squatters. Two blokes with a personal training using 60kg like it weighed 300. Complete with bitch pad, and a trainer saying "now we don't want go too heavy on theses ones, just stimulate the muscle a little bit. Mean while, again, I've got 135 on the back for a lazy triple. The 3rd squatter was impressive. A young girl, lanky as fuck, repping 40kg x 12 or so, like a boss! Dare I say the best form I've seen in a commercial gym for quite sometime. She was using a slow concentric too with a nice pause in the hole...looked tough haha.
- the gym has a leaderboard. 3rm's being the name of the game. Squats were 130(that depth). Bench 112.5. Deadlift 160. Haha.
- one trainer saw my 200x3 deadlift. Pretty lazy set again. Was in disbelief, that's when he showed me the leaderboard. I declined to be added.......nice guy though.
- by far and away the best two things I saw were from the same dude. Kipling lat pull downs and some weird leg movement on the seated calf raise. I really should have filmed the calf raise business as it was so complicated I can't explain it haha. A local mate of mine and I were nearly crying....
on on the flip side of the crazy coin though, there was at least a dozen pretty ducked jacked Kunce I saw most days. Not a single squat or deadlift of flat bench was done. Total machine junkies...and totally massive! One guy had to be 120kg, 5'10" and with abs he insisted on making sure we're still there every set. Crazy jacked.