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Newbie weakling chiming into our convo on elite powerlifters getting injured while chasing 300+kg lifts: "I don't want to lift that much. I just want to lift for health, stretch my muscles (wtf???) and once my lifts get to certain weights I'll stop and just lift to maintain."

Yeah, like you actually have a choice of lifting 300kg or not, mate.
Finally saw the bar reaturned to my back, and knee felt awesome. After 2-3 months of no squatting the 20 reppers were the goods.
saw the usual stuff today....half way squats, half way chins, half way bench.....must have been everyone do everything half rep day.
had a 4 day bender at the goldcoast since thursday and decided to go do a session on saturday at the one life at broadbeach and jeeeeeeeeeeeeeees ive ever seen so many roided up boyz i my life. some seriously big dudes in there... they lifted like bitches but still they looked pretty good.

On another note I rarely drink .. maybe twice-3 times a year but every time I do and have a big gym session the next day my flexibility is improved and my joints feel incredible. I am also a fair bit stronger which is really weird. has anyone got a logical explanation for this?? id seriously considr haveing a big session before a comp that how much better i feel when lifting.
I see lots of muscly looking guys using heaps of isolation machines all the time. Makes me wonder how they are in pretty good shape. (not on roids - not big enough). Saw a girl curling the whole session.
naa I dont do drugs... but yeh sugar overload may be the only explanation I can think of. But I am deffinitly stronger after a night on the drink , i mean heavy drinking aswell to the point of near passing out.. My flexibility improves 30% and it feel like my joints have just been freshly lubricated.. Im not sure but yeh would love to know why.
Alcohol warms u up by increasing blood flow throughout ur body, especially to the extremities. An increase of blood flow to and around the joints of ur limbs would improve flexibility.

Ill ask Dr. Carl on thursday for you Mike
Not today but last Friday... Deadlifting 195kg and my callus burst opened and starting bleeding all over my hand and the bar :S
"Bloody" hurt aswell.
There is a bloke at my gym who loads up a bar with 200kg and does shrugs - unfortunately he cant even lift the bar and sits there hunched over the bar on the ground shreiking like a banshee and "shrugging". I thought he was joking around at first, but he does it weekly. If it wasn't such an open gym I'd film it given its obvious comedic value.
Old man powerlifter again. 4-5" Deficit Deads. 200kg x 4-5 reps, for a few sets. Finished off the 180kg regular deads. The speed was amazing.

Oh and the best thing ever. There's the whole don't curl in the squat rack. I've got that beat...there was a young feller doing forearm curls....on the monolift. I was baffled.
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lol in my uni gym today there was the usual group of 4 small guys around the centre bench press, and one of them figured he'd show off, not realising that the guy he'd asked to spot him was chatting and not watching, so he loads up 80 kg on the bar, unracks it, and promptly drops it onto his chest, his face slowly turns red, and i run over and help him rack it, whilst his friends debate about wether he 'forgot to engage his triceps bro', or wether 'nah bro its cos his sticking point is halfway through the descent'.... i walked back to the squat rack and nearly died laughing.

also gotta love the guys who get on the bench, cross their legs in the air as if their doing a crunch, and smith machine bench 30 kg for partial reps.

IA could u seriously ask him his secret next time u see him?? Gear or not his double the age and squatting more than myself ever!!
What do you do when you ask a guy how much sets they have left? Stand near the equipment you are waiting to use or what? Asked some guy and he seemed to keep staring at me through the mirror. I don't want to be an asshole.

Also, there is the one Asian kid (no racist) who stares at everyone through the mirrors.

I ask em and then say can u let me know when your done?? And then proceed
To stand away from them.

Plus yes I am Asian and I do stare all Asians stare!!! Lol even more so if your a hot chick