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I had similar things happen at a couple of mine site gyms when I was on short contracts. It would be some ex-local club footy player or boof head who had been given too many positive affirmations (smoke blown up his arse) about his "massive arms" or huge bench. They would come in and pile extra weights on while I was warming up and I just knew where it would end.

He ends up back in the corner arm curling and quarter squatting as soon as the third plate goes on the bench. Then talks loudly amongst his hangers on about how he spotted Fraser Gehrig repping 200kg on the bench press.
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Dat feel when you have to squat plates because the dumbells are busy making your bosu ball more unstable.

Dat feel when you have to squat plates because the dumbells are busy making your bosu ball more unstable.

Hahahaha, where the hell did you find that
I want to see the next pic in the series where he stacks it and someone whacks him over the head with the dumbell he was abusing by standing on.
walked into the change rooms and a guy wearing a towel around his waist and nothing else with a leg up on the bench drying his balls with a hairdryer......
I saw a 55kg school mum benching 45kg with her feet up on the bench. She's 50 years old. I was impressed
Saw a guy raw bench 6 on 120kg and 4 on 130kg; that is three guys at Wodonga YMCA that could probably raw bench 140kg or more. One tells me he has done over 200kg, i have seen him do an easy 7-8 reps on 150kg.

There are some strong people around.
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Some dude I've never seen before wearing a tight ass tshirt and something that resembled skins but was prob some cheap knock off..full length tights, with no shorts. I actually wanted to fucking hit him. He was doing some fucked up curls on the cable crossover, then would sit on a bench for 5 minutes and then walk around before more sets of curls. Fuck he was weird.

Yeah, well I wear the same clothes for a whole week after the gay mardi gras. I can still smell the love.

You should have given that cutie a wink

That's hot...yes homo
Friday night gym..

A lad squats without shoes, ok whatever, then puts a pair of squatting heals on a proceeds to go and do about 100 different supersets for his bi's and tri's!!!

Sometimes I honestly think I'm on the trueman show and people want to see my reaction..
I saw a young bloke, pretty solid, doing perfect rep chin-ups with a twenty kg plate, I think he did around 7, I congratulated him.
I had my dip belt with a twenty doing dips, he made me feel old.
But it was nice to see someone reaping properly.
I saw a young bloke, pretty solid, doing perfect rep chin-ups with a twenty kg plate, I think he did around 7, I congratulated him.
I had my dip belt with a twenty doing dips, he made me feel old.
But it was nice to see someone reaping properly.

Good too see the form police doing there job