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OK i saw a guy doing bench press with about 10kg on the bar but at the same time he was also doing these leg raise type things, looked completely pointless to me........

are they called window wipers???
doing them heavy is tough, but with 10kgs lol
i do variations and i go deep.
mid-low height and feet shoulder width apart
higher up and feet together
and calf raise at that weight
This from last week....

After gym closed a couple of bro's stripped down and got their flex on in the mirror to take photos of their pump...
very attractive girl training quads and hamstrings (regular member) she was doing a lot of ham and glute exercises. tight body, excellent physique.

every guy in the leg room staring at her, mouths wide open, making comments and some even moving near her to train and stare and drool more.

i mean, ok. when theres a hot chick. discreetly have a look if you really must. honestly we've all seen tons of hot chicks training. its nothing new, frankly i don't really care i'm there to train and if i want something to look at, i know where/what i can go and do but these douchebags were beyond pathetic.

or i could be way wrong and she loved the attention.
Guy I trained with yesterday falling over, dizzy after our session.
We did triple supersets.
Chins x 10 superset with 10 burpees into a 500m run (checked distances on google maps)
Ring dips x 10 into pushups x 10 into 200m run
DB Shoulder press x 10 into DB side raises x 10 into 100m run
Step ups w/10kg DBs into prison squats x 10 into 500m run
BB curl x 15 into reverse BB curl into 500m run
45 sec rest between each set and we went thru that whole thing twice.
Slept very well last night!!

I think i would have fell over dizzy after that workout as well....
Not the gym but...

Turns out my local takeaway shop does grilled salmon (150-200gram fillets) and chips for $13.
And ive walked past it every single day to the gym without going inside.

Just had some. Stoked.
Fat chick in Holey shiny yoga pants not in the gym,just wandering around here at clubs day( mini okay) at uni.

A few cuties ,plenty of fuglies
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Not the gym but...

Turns out my local takeaway shop does grilled salmon (150-200gram fillets) and chips for $13.
And ive walked past it every single day to the gym without going inside.

Just had some. Stoked.

The fish and chips place at Dee Why beach does the same (not as cheap)

The grilled salmon and prawn kebabs are great
Saw a couple of guys doing curls in the squat rack for the first time today

and another guy adding a dumbbell to the hack slide weight stack for his calf raises because 500lbs wasn't enough
I dropped arse for 7 of 10 reps on dead lift tonight. Also, a spotter texting on his phone while his mate was struggling with dumbbell shoulder raises.