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The Truth About Bodybuilding Genetics

No wonder those that actually "make it" are so few, the battle is over before it's even begun. The moment the analogies come in, i.e. excuses, people subscribe to it. Genetics is the first one, and then they give up.

No one's saying genetics play no part in it, genetics play a huge role, however this is mainly in the start. I'm naturally a sprinter, my endurance is very poor. There have been periods where my endurance was very good because I trained it, and now after 2 years of very little cardio exercise I'm piss poor at it. I used to run the beep test huffing and puffing during my school days at an abysmal 6.0 when most other guys would come in at about 8.0 - 10.0. I was always skinny/slim, and never suffered with any weight problems.

100m, 200m sprints no problem at all, endurance no thanks. Then I read a book by Keith Fennell (Australian SASR) and he notes the difference between people who make it at the top level in anything and those who don't are the people who give up at the start, the people who give up about halfway, and the people who stick to it until they completely screw themselves up from trying, and then try some more.

Then for a few months I ran every day, 1.6km runs, 3km runs, 7km runs, 10km runs. Then I used to run with a pack on my shoulders, several runs a day. I particularly hated it when it started raining, I ran then. Then I used to set an alarm at 4 a.m, shock my system and run some more. I eventually hit about level 12.5 in the beep test just after a few months of training. I started "working" and doing this and that, and then the excuses took over. Now I'm back down to my piss poor level when I first started.

Sprinters can train to be endurance runners, but it takes a lot of hard work and training, it requires rebuilding your muscular system to start developing the slow twitch muscles fibres in the majority that an endurance runner needs.
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When u think Asian u think short small build
When u think Samoa u think tall massive units without ever lifting a weight

Genetics nah whats that?
When u think Asian u think short small build
When u think Samoa u think tall massive units without ever lifting a weight

Genetics nah whats that?

The asians didn't believe in themselves enough ceffo. Obvz.
Can u see an Asian winning the mr o or strongest man comp? take the best u know in each field

Inserts troll post lol
I think we'd have a more productive discussion without n00bs babbling about black penises and ceffo trolling. Take that shit to bb.com Misc where it belongs, guys.
Something I notice is that everyone who pulls the 'little train that could' line is usually a beginner.
I'm not saying the little train can, I'm saying the little train doesn't know if it can until it tries.

You're reminding me of the trainer who accused two of my clients of being on steroids because they made gains believed to be impossible in that timeframe - gains which at PTC they'd consider normal or below average. It's all in what you're used to. You must not be used to people achieving much.

You don't have to be in this sport long to realise most people wont end up ronnie coleman huge.
Ronnie Coleman didn't end up Ronnie Coleman huge. He ended up steroids huge. Like Dorian Yates, he is irrelevant to a discussion of genetic potential, since genetics are our natural potential.

Well said. But I would make the point that modern humans, as horses, are mostly untrained mixed breeds stuck in a field with too much hay, weak and deconditioned. So really whether they are race horses or draft horses is irrelevant, they need to be got moving and eating better. Whether they are built for power or build for speed, if they get moving and eating better they will be both more powerful and faster than they are now.

And most people wondering about genetics are those weak deconditioned horses in the field. "Can I be Phar Lap?"
"Get out of the field first."
The asians didn't believe in themselves enough ceffo. Obvz.

Perhaps bodybuilding is not very common in asian countries compared to western countries? Oh knozzz we didn't think of that did we! Just the sheer amount of westerners in the bodybuilding and weightlifting zone pretty much decimates your useless argument. Since formulating a cogent argument seems to be a problem for you, I can't expect you to have thought of that.

Martial arts is more widespread there, and hence you see a large amount of Asians winning such competitions, though there are plenty of white people that do too.

What next, the Germans are genetically superior in winning Formula 1 races ? Perhaps it's in their blood to get those stunning wrist movements at top speed to corner well.

Before making wide sweeping generalizations, think a bit, and then post.
It all comes down to genetics and hormone expression...

I can post pictures of myself before therapy and tell u i had 100% mindset and desire to achieve.

Did i? No would i of ever ?

Thats life you have to build a bridge and get over it... Wishing something to be true to hide facing facts isnt the best way.

No one is saying dont try but we are saying be realistic.

To be honest mate, you can't seem to stick to the point in a topic without talking about penises and manly characteristics, I question your ability to stick to something with a 100% mindset without getting distracted by the black man working out next to you.

OK, all jokes aside - what is this "therapy" you speak of?

Look up something called natural selection. Or Charles Darwin. The weak will die and the strong will prosper.

I'm well aware of Darwin and natural selection. I'm also going to lean to the side that tells me that you're probably not well aware of natural selection and Darwin's theories since that theory is wholly irrelevant in this discussion regarding bodybuilding and having a proper MINDSET.
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"In a world of stable populations where each individual must struggle to survive, those with the "best" characteristics will be more likely to survive, and those desirable traits will be passed to their offspring. These advantageous characteristics are inherited by following generations, becoming dominant among the population through time. This is natural selection." (c an p).

Not everyone has the god given genetics suited for bodybuilding. I have plenty of evidence to support the genetic link to criminality, why can you not accept that not everyone can be a world champion bodybuilder?
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Well done, on taking a quote about natural selection and using that to falsely believe that bodybuilding is what the reference was to here. This is almost like Bible thumpers using quotes from the Bible to prove that we will all end up in hell.

The natural selection theory is to do with a much bigger view of things for the species as a whole, it has absolutely nothing to do with the mindset one has for bodybuilding. The desirable traits is in reference to survival mechanisms and adaptations that an organism will develop to...survive.

If this applied so much to bodybuilding as you claim it to be, then this would be the first thing everybody would be seeing and reading about. Just before gym class, and every P.T session, everyone would be having a lesson on natural selection, ever wonder why we don't?

Natural selection is not an argument for "I can't become a champion bodybuilder because my genetics don't allow me to" - it's more like a pitiful misguided excuse to use the sciences in an inappropriate manner without having even studied it (you obviously haven't since you decided to quote something without even explaining it yourself)
Since most people here are guaranteed to be losers from the beginning because they don't want to win, hopefully there are a few here that still believe they can achieve what they want to. Luckily the internet is not flooded completely with prophets of doom:

Overcoming A Negative Mindset in Bodybuilding

1. State your objectives in advance- you need to be honest with yourself first if you want to succeed in [FONT=inherit ! important][FONT=inherit ! important]bodybuilding[/FONT][/FONT]

http://www.articlesbase.com/sports-...egative-mindset-in-bodybuilding-3979541.html# industry are very futile. For you to be able to visualize with the mind you need to incorporate the following

3. Stay with people who have a positive mindset- Negativity in bodybuilding is very contagious and therefore the company you keep should only include those people who are highly motivated and focused on there training.

A good book I recommend for what you can achieve with a proper mindset in terms of human physical performance is Keith Fennell's Warrior Training book.

In the end, attempting to be the best is better than not attempting at all because you have bad genetics. Might as well start and get somewhere rather than get nowhere at all.
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