I have used both, and the slingshot is easier for me than the shirt, the shirt has so many more variables including the pain lol. That's just for me.
Is it supposed to go over the elbows or should it only be on the upper arm?
I have only used my slingshot for form. I have barely used it in my training sessions but a chunk of that was to do with not having a spotter. I have found out that a bench press with a slingshot can turn into a skullcrusher pretty quickly!
I used the slingshot for about 12/15 sessions over a month, doing about 6 sets 2- 5 reps between 85 and 95% of my slingshot max every session and got awesome results. I'm bench only at the moment so that helps, but i found that huge volume and intensity was really manageable with the slingshot,even with my shitty elbow and shoulder. Awesome tool, allowed me to train 3 times as often as i usually can for bench.
thought on programming with a slingshot for a high frequency bench program like smolov jnr?
I was thinking doing half of the sets as normal with normal bench max used then half of the sets with slingshot with inflated max.
Still get same total volume
easier on shoulders than all raw
less raw bench practice
Alternatively, run smolo jnr as normal and then do a few extra sets with slingshot but I'm thinking that would just be too much volume for my shoulders.
the slit in the sleeve is supposed to line up with your elbow.
This is incorrect, it's simply to allow you to pull it up easier.
It's meant to sit above your elbow a little... Mark did a video on this not too long ago - he's considering removing the slit in future versions to avoid people thinking this.
However, I used it around my elbow for this very reason until seeing that video and saw good results.