This is a workout I did in a hotel once and it gave me an amazing pump:
Grab a pair of dumbbells and begin performing dumbbell bench presses. Pick a weight that will cause you to go to failure at around 20 reps. After the 20th rep, set the weights down, count to 10, pick the dumbbells up again and press them until you can’t press anymore. Set them down, count to 10, pick them up and press them as many times as you can again. Reduce the dumbbells by around 5kg and do as many reps as you can. Set them down, count to 10, and do it again.
Grab a pair of dumbbells for seated laterals that will cause you to reach failure at 20 reps. Set them down, count to 10, and go to failure again. You will be cheating some, and your shoulders will be burning, but so what? Just do it. At failure, set them down, count to 10, and go again, as many reps as you can. Now don’t set them down—bring them to your shoulders and press them for as many as you can. At failure, set them down and take a pair of lighter dumbbells (most likely 5kg lighter, but it varies), and press them to failure. Set them down, count to 10 and press the to failure again.
Triceps are next. Take a dumbbell that, once again, will cause failure at 20. Sit on a bench and hold the dumbbell behind your head for triceps extensions. After around 20 reps, set it down, take a lighter dumbbell and do as many reps as you can. Leave.