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no extra points for going deeper than you have to

Did 3x77.5kg paused and 4x80kg tng today. Both PBs
Front squats 92.5kg for 3 which was also a PB.

Feels kinda dirty though because even though I have no done those before I had done better things lul
Cheers peoples.
miicah its a Powertec rack mate, seems to be tough enough to do the job, chin bar sucks balls though.
Assuming you are training to compete in power lifting, arguably for general strength the greater rom could be an advantage?

For most people, the greatest power output is in this position:

How deep you squat is very individual and it really depends on what your goals are. Looking for "just getting strong?" I would squat to this depth. If powerlifting is your goal then you need a bit lower. If Olympic lifting is your goal then you obviously need to squat way lower. If you're a strongman this depth is fine. If you WANT to squat to X depth, then you squat to X depth

Half squatting is for fags though
Unless you're doing them as well as regular squats
Oh and a pretty easy 200kg trap bar derplift for me today
It feels like cheating
Oh and a pretty easy 200kg trap bar derplift for me today
It feels like cheating

I like the trap bar. Not sure how well it carries over to deads but it is a great overall strength movement. Great for people who play sport who you can't get to squat. I would guess also good for strongman training.

Did you use high or low handles.
High handles because the handles rotate and using the low handles makes them roll out my fingers
Whoever designed it is a fucking moron
I think a few inches deeper is best, unless you're going for some record

Lol, well pop might not be the best way of putting it. But if you get it down it's like leg drive in a push press. Try picturing your toes driving through the front of shoes if you're flat footed. But if you're butt is almost up in the air it won't have a big effect. If you feel stable with feet flat then stick with it and play around with different foot positions to see if you can get tighter.

With the squat, perhaps try to control the descent a little more instead of dive bombing, unless you prefer it that way??
With the squat, perhaps try to control the descent a little more
No idea if it's relevant to anyone else, but yeah, I found that concentrating on that, full on, really helped me out with squatting. Controlled negative, then shooting up reeeaaal fast. When possible, heh.