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Thanks, Grippy. I'll tell you what, flipping her was no walk in the cake.
Now you take good care of that tyre. My body Alex had a thing for that bitch. An almost sexual thing. He'd be uite upset to hear his baby is being mistreated.
So, this tyre's got a history...makes me feel kinda special for having flipped it.
ye 9 for 9 is good for your first meet
I was a little overzealous on my first meet I think, squats were good but I think on deadlifts I should have gone 170/190/200 instead of 180/190/no attempt

I think at my next meet I will do it so my third attempts feel like my second attempts, then my next meet will be easy to build upon. The more I think the less I see reason for truly maxing out unless I'm breaking some sort of record
Good stuff people, nice to to see everyone sharing their PBs and progressing.

Hit a 90kg power clean today@81kg, which was a little side-goal I set for myself, feels good.

Next milestone will be 100kg. The main priority is powerlifting, but I'm really enjoying learning a bit of oly stuff on the side for fun/variety.
Wow, Oni's making more progress this past few weeks than he did in 18 months
Confabulating shenanigans!
Wow, Oni's making more progress this past few weeks than he did in 18 months
Confabulating shenanigans!
The big question is: is it because of something different he's doing, or is this the last 18 months worth of work finally paying off?
The only thing that has changed is that I don't have my thyroid shitting out T4
But I started to make progress again before then. I'm also backing off for a strongman comp on Sunday so am feeling pretty fresh
85kg paused bench today
Was pretty easy as well, about a 9.5/10. 87.5 would have been a grinder
Managed a new deadlift PB (180kgx1) twice tonight, failed the 3rd attempt though and very nearly passed out after that one! (thought i was going to hit the floor for sure), I've reached the point where i'm now having to use a mixed grip for these. I think my 160kg x 4 was a rep PB as well.

Managed a rep PB of 115x2 for Bench press (I've done 120x1 before, but no more than 110 for more than 1)

Did behind the neck press for the first time ever as well, so thats a PB 3x8 @ 40kg