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Good going on your missus Bench! Has she got a target PB in mind?
I'll pass that on, thanks! She'll be stoked, as it comes from a serious female lifter.

Just newbie gains I guess. But I don't know much about "normal" amounts, even for male lifters, so it seemed worth posting a good increase like that one. ANd noting the form, which I'm kinda proud of (so is she).

Funny thing happened recently though, now I remember - a guy who's been lifting for 20+ years (he said) came up while I was spotting for her, and said she was benching wrong, because "the grip's too close", elbows not flared out, stuff like that. Felt like smacking him one, but I kept my cool, and repeated what I'd read about shoulder health (after reminding him that CGBP is a common enough way of benching anyhow). It was then that he told us how long he's been lifting. So, next time he was benching, I took note of what he was doing, for the first time ever, and lo and behold, it was some seriously pissy amount (for a guy with that much expereince).

Oops, rambling. Haven't heard from him again, suffice to say.
I pay lots of respect to CGBP, I reached my best bench results using that as assistance.
Good work
Deadlift training today:
180kg + 22kg of chains for one rep
180kg for 4 reps straight weight
Box jump PB: 112cm box (44")

Did some box jumps for the hell of it, worked up to a 112cm metre box with some left I felt, will improve on it next time.
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2x270kg tyre flip at lunch time. I remember the very first time I tried flipping a tyre, I needed assistance, and it was only a 140kg tyre. I hadn't attempted it since then, until Wednesday I saw a girl at the gym flipping one of the 140kg tyres, and decided to find out if I'd manned up at all. This resulted in Nick announcing that I had to flip 270 today.

Your face
You look so proud
that feel
I'm not sure that's pride so much as it's joy for being allowed back into the gym. Success on the tyre flip became a condition of re-entry, at least that was Sean's motivational threat.

Now you take good care of that tyre. My body Alex had a thing for that bitch. An almost sexual thing. He'd be uite upset to hear his baby is being mistreated.
Ryan that tyre looks like a beast mate, good you showed it whos boss.

Well done at your first comp Fluff, great stuff.