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The Metabolic Stool


Registered Rustler
Ok, I've seen a few pieces of misinformation here regarding metabolism so I thought that I'd clear a few things up and add in a few things extra regarding metabolic rate.
As a side note, I honestly think that professional cyclists are 4-5 years ahead of other athletes and especially powerlifters/bodybuilders when it comes to training and especially supplementation. Now I'm not saying that I am perfect, or that these concepts are particularly new, but there will be a few things that people haven't got their head round yet so I'll just explain it all. OK

Eating every 2-3 hours
Ok, this came into being because of the thermic effect of food. So people think "oh if I eat more often, I get more of a metabolic boost because the thermic effect of food is being introduced more often"

This just isn't true, the thermic effect of food will be the same whether you have 3 meals or 30 meals. Why would you get more of a thermic effect eating exactly the same number of calories or nutrients?
Meal frequency and energy balance. [Br J Nutr. 1997] - PubMed result

The Metabolic Stool
I was taught to think of metabolism of a 3-legged stool. Metabolic rate is the top and the 3 legs are nutrition, supplementation and training. You need all of them to be the same length for the stool to stand up right!

Metabolic Training
Ok, most people here have got that down... Strength training increases your metabolic rate while resting and 24 hours after training by a significant portion. Only thing I'll add to this is TRAIN EVERYDAY. Even if it's a 45 minute brisk walk in the morning, training everyday will vastly increase your metabolic rate. People always say that when it comes to looking good and fat loss it's all about your diet. I don't think that is true at all but I'll cover that later

Metabolic Supplementation
There are a few supplements that I take everyday that increase my metabolic rate so much that I burn about another 400-500kcal a day from just sitting on my arse. Here they are:
  • Omega-3 fish oil - Yep, expect a 200kcal burn a day if you supplement yourself with this. Just search "fish oil" at pubmed.com if you need more proof of this well known fact
  • Creatine - More muscle = faster metabolic rate. 1lb of muscle can increase your metabolic rate so much that you burn up to 50kcal more a day. Per pound. Gain weight bro!
  • Chalk - Take with a high-protein meal. This equalises the pH of your food. You will be able to absorb far much more protein this way. I'll go into why protein is important later
  • Beta-alanine - Seriously, why are you not taking this every day! It's not that expensive and 1kg will last you a year. Take between 4-6g a day in a morning and evening dose or pre/post training
  • Green tea - This shits godly. I was given a box of Sencha when I first started competing. Great hot in the morning or make iced tea with honey and lemon for post-training
  • Stimulants - Caffeine, ephedra, low dose amphetamines... They are all good. Take in the morning before you eat

Metabolic Diet
Ok, the more protein the better. The thermic effect of protein is double that of carbs and fat. I recommend having 10% of your daily calorie intake in grams of protein. So for a 2000kcal diet you would have 200g of protein, 3000kcal you would have 300g of protein. Expect to lose fat and gain muscle mass with this 'trick'. 20/40/40 is a good ratio if you're into this.
Carbs are good for you! There are no 'bad' and 'good' foods in my books, just opportune times to take them. Only eat carbs post training within a 4 hour window. This is needed to force the protein into the bloodstream fast! Insulin is the most anabolic hormone known to man, take advantage of it!
EAT VEGETABLES WITH EVERY MEAL. Yes every meal. Every meal should have 30-40g of protein in it and lots of vegetables. Eat them until you're full in every meal. They also balance the pH of the food you're eating for increased protein absorption.

Metabolic Flux
Ok, this is where you will probably start screaming "broscience!" but all this is totally true. Flux just means flow and i'll explain it for you now:
I constantly see people cutting fat by decreasing there total calories by 500kcal a day. This is an incredibly bad idea for long term fat loss because it will slow your metabolic rate right down. There have been several studies that have shown that your total flux will judge your metabolic rate.

This means that if you eat 3000kcal a day and burn off 3000kcal a day, your metabolic rate (and body composition) will be better than if you were 'cutting' and eating 2000kcal and burning off 2000kcal. The greater your total 'flux', the faster your metabolic rate will be and you will look loads better, even losing bodyfat while gaining muscle mass. So next time you need to lose a bit of fat, do the following:

  • Increase your protein intake by 50g
  • Decrease your carb intake by 50g
  • Eat flaxseed until you're full, every meal
  • Add a session of HIIT (hill sprints works well) once a week. Preferably 72 hours before your leg workout to allow adequate recovery

The vast increase in metabolic flux will make the fat drop off incredibly fast. You will also gain a few pounds of muscle if you keep your training up! Just make sure you're training every day and take in the other considerations in this article at the same time. Flaxseed contains loads of omega-3 also
Very interesting....

Now to what is probably a stupid question, what are 'flaxseed', how do I eat them (apart from the obvious of placing them in my mouth and swallowing them:D), and where do I get them??
Very informative Oni, I eat 5 to 6 meals a day but not because of the thermal effect, but to just feel more comfortable with my meal portions so I don't get the bloaty feeling. And here I was thinking it was good anyway because it helps stoke the fire so to speak. Good to know that if i skip a meal because Im to busy I can just add it to the next one without to much consequences, or would this be wrong to assume? For some reason I was of the understanding that to big a meal is also bad for you as the body cannot digest to much at once, is that the case?
Very interesting....

Now to what is probably a stupid question, what are 'flaxseed', how do I eat them (apart from the obvious of placing them in my mouth and swallowing them:D), and where do I get them??

Flaxseed is what the feed chickens with. It's incredibly high in omega-3. If you see "omega-2 eggs" the chickens have been fed flaxseed. You can probably buy them as chicken feed if you want it cheap but if you want something a little tastier, try around markets, health food shops, Coles etc. It may be called linseed

Very informative Oni, I eat 5 to 6 meals a day but not because of the thermal effect, but to just feel more comfortable with my meal portions so I don't get the bloaty feeling. And here I was thinking it was good anyway because it helps stoke the fire so to speak. Good to know that if i skip a meal because Im to busy I can just add it to the next one without to much consequences, or would this be wrong to assume? For some reason I was of the understanding that to big a meal is also bad for you as the body cannot digest to much at once, is that the case?

yeah if you skip a meal, just add it to the next one or make a shake with green tea, vanilla protein powder, plain yoghurt, ice and frozen berries. Blend it for 1 min then drink
Ahhhh someone else with some understanding around here. Thank god.

I feel right at home.....

Just waiting for Joel to come in and explain how all the top bodybuilders eat 8 times a day and it's a science and that I'm 'lazy' because I'd rather not eat my 2500-odd calories in 6 tiny meals... Fire away my man LOL ;)
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Ok who is more of a man, some one who can down a 1kg Steak in 30 minutes or takes 10 hours to eat 5 x 200grm Steaks? :D
Didn't Hogs Breath and/or LoneStar do that also? But yes Outback Jack's Steakhouse.

I think Hogs used to have a 1kg steak but they stopped doing it im pretty sure. They just have "mega-cuts" now which is pretty much just like a normal bit of steak lol.
Plus you get a T-Shirt!!! LOL

And a voucher for a second steak.

There used to be a place in Manly Sydney, if you ate the whole steak, you got a voucher for another meal as well as your photo on the hall of fame.

Can't remember the name of the place, but was right opposite the beach and was a South African Restaurant, this was about 10 years ago:)
And a voucher for a second steak.

There used to be a place in Manly Sydney, if you ate the whole steak, you got a voucher for another meal as well as your photo on the hall of fame.

Can't remember the name of the place, but was right opposite the beach and was a South African Restaurant, this was about 10 years ago:)

Wow that's good going! Hmmmm planning my weekend feast right now.....