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The first 5 years

Good goal dance you are way to tall to only be 100kg.
Posted via Mobile Device

Yeah, about 5 years ago i was only 75kg. I may have been 6'3ish back then, but yeah, skinny as f**k back then. Glad to be at 100kg now, but still got a while to go :)
I was 75kg at 6'3 when I was 15 in photos I looked like a stick figure. I had issues putting on weight even though I ate a lot. As soon as I stopped growing up I filled out to 90kg very quickly. I think 110 to 120 at 12-15% would be awesome for you.
Posted via Mobile Device
i must be 'bulking' wrong, i've been 'bulking' for about 2.5 years now. Sure when I started I was lean as **** at 57kg (around 8% bf(, I've been 68-69kg's for most of that time.
Yeah, i managed at the time to go from 75 to 80, but never really did much else from there.
Started up again at the start of this year and was about 85, and worked it up to 100kg. Haven't looked back since.
Do you mean the first 5 years of serious, proper and consistent lifting? I've known a few guys who have been doing these bogus body builder split routines half assed since high school and have very little to show.
This is great advice, that was told to me 12 years ago by an old school strongman. I started at 90kg's at 6ft1 andI have put on over 50kg's in that time.
I used to cruize at around 105kg. When I went to the 2007 worlds I noticed that I was the tallest guy in the 110 class. I'm 5'10- most were about 5'5. A few people said I need to beef up. Ok- so how do I do that I asked. The Russians advice- eat a lot of meat. One guy who was not a Ruskie- but an ex-bodybuilder now PL coach- sat me and Richie Hozjan down. Richie was lifting as an 82.5 lifter at around 5'9. He said at minimum I want you guys to eat 1kg of red meat every day and 1 kg of potato- try for more. Aim for 10kg meat per week and 10kg of potato. It will be hard work. You might need to switch to mince if you get sick of chewing steak. It will make you feel like a gorilla.
We had a lugh and agreed. We went back to Oz and started smsing each other to check on progress. By the next year I was a 125kg lifter- weighing 122-124, Richie was a 100, weighing around 98-99.
Never looked back. Now we are both around 15kg heavier or more- and have put close to 100kg on our totals. Its not all bodyweight, but I have no doubt the food plan helped with recovery a lot. Reminds me of something Captain Kirk told a friend- "you want to be world champ? Then eat every 2 hours! I'm serious- eat every two hours!" I know some times Richie gets up in the middle of the night to eat. He once told me he makes a drink- a litre or so of milk with a couple of scoops of protein to chug down in the middle of the night- sometimes he has a full on meal.
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Your one of the lucky ones big fella, most do 5 cut cycles before they reach 90kg lol

lol the old bloke I trained with would slap me upside the head if I even mentioned the word "cut". I had a good teacher hah.
So my year of going to the gym randomly (average once a week) and doing dumbell bench and pec deck then biceps counts?

Well I'm in my 6 th year of doing weights! Not good. I've had to 'cut' several times for amateur muay thai fights, and also done some pretty pi** poor training (curls etc). Hope I can consolidate some good strength lifting and eating on the tail end of the 5 yr period.
I'm not saying you wont make muscle gains, its just they will be a fraction of what you would achieve early on.

You can always make strength gains