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The first 5 years


Most wont want to hear this, or acknowledge it may be true, but the first 5 years of lifting is where you will make 95% of your progress, maybe more.

IFBB pros earn there pro card after around 5 years of lifting. Roelly Winklaar, a massive pro, has trained for 5 years ( 6 1/2 total time, 18 months off after a car accident.

If you get a chance to speak to any pro, he will tell you the same.

You guys with no muscle cutting up, be warned, your wasting valuable time you have no hope of getting back.

You will get stronger, or if your a BB refine your physique, but 95% of your gains in size will come in those first 5 years.

If you kept growing, then BB's would be 600lbs by now.

Max is completely aware of this. He started 2 years ago at 51kg, is 80kg now, in a year he hopes to be 90kg, fourth year 100kg and by the 5 year mark around 105kg at 173cm. Thats a big guy.

Obviously drugs can push this up another 10kg or so, but thats it really.

there will always be an example of one guy who did better, youre not it.

Dont waste your time f u c k i n g around now, and dont cut till you have all the muscle you need.

Powerlifters will continue to get stronger for decades, as tendons take longer to strengthen.

All you guys cutting your gains short to lift at lighter bodyweights will get good results in comps now, but it will limit you later.

Max could easily have competed at 75kg at the Nats and even at the Worlds, but he keeps listening to me because its worked so far. He has missed out on teenage titles in order to capture senior ones in the future.

He's not as lean at 80kg as he was at 72kg, but he still has abs, and he'll continue to gain for the next 3 years.

then he can worry about definition lol

Be warned, your cutting your potential short.
I'm not one for lampooning, but what once tickled me but now wants me to want to kick someone in the nuts is that! "I'm cutting"

The other is; "whadya doin tonight? err - bi's 'n' tris.

Can you print that on a tshirt so i can shut the people up who keep saying i should do a cut?

No need to do anything about it now, simply say I told you so in a few years time. Most dont want to know.

theres that girl on here, Shaunu or something, wants to develop her back calf, WTF, you cant help people like that.

Being in the gym business, you see it all. The ones that listen are the ones capable of change, dont try and convince everyone, Shauna may well have an awesome rear calf one day, but she wont be able to jump for shit. Just land really smoothly lol

Keep bulking and keep lifting.

Think about any sport.

Most kids start footy seriously at 11-12, they get drafted at 17, 5 years.

Its no different in Basketball, soccer etc, spend the first 5 years productively in any sport, polish up for the rest of your career.

No football club is going to pick up a boy who has been drilling his one hand pick up for 5 years are they?
I've been reading up on a ton of cutting info on bodyrecomposition.com

My conclusion is: fvck that sh!t, I'd rather eat MORE!

So it's getting HUGE time!

I'm 81kg now, going for 90kg by the end of next year, hopefully as a relatively lean gain.

Where's that leave the stupid old bastards like me who didn't know squat when I was young enough to benefit from it. Is there still hope for me if I go on an all out bulking routine and lift heavy on the big three compounds.

Doesn't matter if you come back and say there's no hope as that's what I'm going to do anyway. I'll see how big I can get regardless. You've given me an epiphany. :)

My first ten years (20~30) I worked like a crazy man, if. I had my time over I would have done less aerobic stuff and more resistance training three times a week instead of two.
As soon as I decreased my aerobic work changes started happening, feeling more energetic, less sore and a whole lot stronger.
My intensity of work has always been high, as hard as I could go.
Today? Nothing has changed, except my ability to recover, I still go hard, relative to me but I no longer can fit 3 workouts a week, maybe sometimes, I also need to watch what I eat.

At the end of the day I realized that rather than trying to find out how much exercise I could stand I should have been trying to workout how much little I needed to garner results.

I will tell you know that the workout is the key, not what you eat, not how much you rest or the supplements.
Two of the most important elements will be the workout and sleep.
Posted via Mobile Device
Sorry, but working out and sleeping will do nothing without the eating, thats what Ive learned.
Sorry, but working out and sleeping will do nothing without the eating, thats what Ive learned.

I said nothing about not eating.

When you are young growing your body demands nutrients and sleep.

At your age you will start to feel changes.
If you aren't now you will.
Posted via Mobile Device
I meant instead of two of the most important elements, you'd have to say three, and include eating.

Im 31.
well i sure am sorry as fcuk that i started working out in 2004 (to initially lose a lot of fat) & over the last 2 yrs i've become serious about strength training. I'm sorry that i wasted about 4 years doing BB type of training & 'cutting up'.

It's looking more & more like i'll be able to coach younger athletes initially (at my club), which to me is a great opportunity, since the 5 year principal.
Very good thread Markos. There are always exceptions such as obese people but for the average guy, especially younger ones, it is definitely the way to go.

Just go for it Mike, who give a fuk if you can not get as good as you could have you will still get bigger and stronger than most people half your age.
Remember, I never said we couldnt improve, all I said was the first 5 years are crucial, dont f u c k around majoring in minor shit.
Nice thread Markos.

I've got a mate who wants to start cutting for the summer, i contemplated joining him. But this has once again thrown me back at the bulking. Im about 100kg now at 6'5. The goal is probably around 120ish :D
There was a superb Canadian lifter here at the Worlds, he is also a top flite bodybuilder on the National level.

He was ripped like a BB, competed in the 90kg class and went 255/230/307.5

He is 5"6" and ripped at 90kg, wait till you see his pics.

Max is convinced he'll have to weigh at least 100kg at his height of 173cm to be a competetive powerlifter.

Nick is a VERY strong guy, weighing 107kg. The guy that won the overall weighed 100kg at 5'6", and he was lean.

For Nick to compete at this level he would need to weigh 130kg, I'm not joking.

The 20yo Russian weighed around 120kg @ 6'1", he benched 235kg.
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There was a superb Canadian lifter here at the Worlds, he is also a top flite bodybuilder on the National level.

He was ripped like a BB, competed in the 90kg class and went 255/230/307.5

He is 5"6" and ripped at 90kg, wait till you see his pics.

fcuk i have to gain a lot of size. I'm about 5'6...and was almost 69kg this morning

I was also thinking about 'cutting' to lose some fat to look good this summer. I now figure that i'll put that idea on the back burner till when i've gained the right to do it & not look like ive just gotten out of a concentration camp