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TGA Petition

Are you on drugs yourself Do you know what an AustL number is ????

If you do then please explain it to me then !!!!

Also have a look at Warren Clampit Sponsered by Dymatize he took out the the natural INBA Mr olympia, and had been drug tested aswell as polygraph tested passed both tests.

Furthermore i am not any drugs and would be than happy to pose along side you to see how really big you are !!

As matter of fact i am going into the ANB natural Mr Melbourne Titles in April this year lets put your theory to the test i will use my supps & food and you can use all the food you want and well see who has the better physique hey !!!

If that pic above is anything to go by then you my friend are a real joke lol!!!

The competition is open to anyone who wants to enter !
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Are you on drugs yourself Do you know what an AustL number is ????

If you do then please explain it to me then !!!!

Not a clue. You do realise that LaCour and Willet were selling prohormones until they went off the market two years or so back though dont you?
What about Warren Clampit who took out the Olympia ??? have you seen him

An AustL means anything in cap or tab form needs to be registered with the TGA, and AustL number is given to that particular product once it is registered if it is not then it can be taken off the market whether it be Fish oil or anything for that fact.

Now do you get it do you see why it is absolut bullshit to pay shitload of money for something that is basicall harmless, and comes from food sources.

They want to regulate as a medicine when it is clearly not !!!

The Mr Melbourne titles is open to anyone who wants to enter if that pic above is anything to go by then i might just surprize you because i do use alot of supps from Test boosters to every Amino possible and then some.

I will be putting your Food Vs Supps & Food to the real test
I looked up warren at your request. The dudes 190lb in comp so he doesnt blow reeves out of the water at all.

Goodluck in your contest, but if you win id say it has something to do with your diet and training as opposed to the fact you take NOexplode.
Defintion wise he does blow Reeevs out of the water and i do believe that Reeves did you use gear aswell so he is not really natural !!!

Diet does play a huge role but supps do help and i said i will be putting your theory to the test.
Roids were around in the 50s but they were pretty base. They only really became the thing in bodybuilding in the 60s. Its possible but I doubt it.

Steve doesn't have the conditioning of todays pros (nor in fact does arnold, it wasnt what you did) but his bodyweight sits a lot higher than any of the pros you've pointed out so far. He's probably 8-10% in those pics so getting to the 90kg weight your natural pros keep sitting seems quite plausible.
AEK, I have just put you on the ignore list.

You my friend are an uneducated idiot,.

You are comparing these guys to Mr Universe winners. Reg Park, John Grimek, Steeve Reeves. Get a clue.

I deliberately put up bodybuilders from the era before Dianabol, the first steroid, hit the market, in 1960.

Pity you didnt answer the question about whether you make money from supplements.

Have a nice life.
Furthermore to get adleast 12gr Creatine Monohydrate you need to eat adleast 3kg of meat everyday

...And? It's really not that hard hoss, unless of course you're a pre-pubescent school girl.

What weight class will you be competing at and how tall are you? Just for curiosity's sake.

I take a fishoil and multi-vitamin, only as insurance. Nothing else. I can and do eat 3kg of meat daily plus a wide variety of vegetables, nuts, eggs and milk. I don't think I'm deficient in anything and always have more than enough energy to go balls to wall in training without the use of magical supplements. Go figure.

You cut yourself short iron.

According to this copy of flex magazine in front of me right now drinking INTRAVOL causes a 4kg gain in muscle mass and a 39% increase in raw strength. You pulled 220 today so lets do the maths:

220 x 1.39 = 305.8kg

I suggest you get some of that shit into you son.
Holy crap! Brb. Buying Intravol and going to pull an easy 305kg!

...wait...I better save it for comp day. No one will see it coming. I'll be so swooooooooole!
This guy is great argument for regulating this crappy industry even further.

At least have a clue before making ludicrous statements like Steeve Reeves was on steroids

This is Reeves in 1948, aged 22.

Dianabol was invented by Dr John Ziegler. The first lifter he gave it to was Bill March in 1959, an Olympic lifter.

This is basic stuff. You ran your mouth off and you looked like an ass clown.
Step on stage and let's see who looks like a clown hey All i am doing is putting your thoeries to the test

All you guys are doing are just talking about it, it's easy sit back and bag each and every supplement that comes out.

Have you tried each and every product !!!

You guys even doughted Fadi about Natadrol but that product is flying off the shelves, not all supps work yeah i will concede that but a majority do and it's a 2 billion dollar a year industry.

If they did not work then why are people buying them !!!

Furthermore you are supporting {TGA} an oranization that protects Drug Companies !!!!

Actions speak louder than words hey
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I agree with 50%

The bodybuilding supplement industry is ridiculously full of shit..

It's about as deceptive as the ab king pro.

Natural supplements that do what they are claimed such as coq10, l-carnitine, vitamins ect I dot believe should even be considered to be in the same discussion as " super anabol izm pump extreme"
Virtually all of the bodybuilding supplement industry is junk and not just not proven. But proven not to work. Complementy medicine that natropaths sell is in the same basket. Let's face it even protein powder is going to have minimal if any effect if you are eating properly.
The supp industry preys on gulible people and more regulation is needed.

People out there still believe that the world was created 6000 years ago and that a power balance bracket it going to give them a 500% increase in core strength. Its not that big of a stretch for people to believe useless supps are going to turn them into Arnie.

We don't doubt the stuff will sell were just doubtful on whether it works.
All you guys are doing are just talking about it, it's easy sit back and bag each and every supplement that comes out.

I put it to the test each and every day hoss. I'm not a bodybuilder, I'm just a dude that likes to lift heavy shit, pull trucks, flip tyres and press axles. That + eating food has so far yielded a 6"3, 98-100kg dude with his ab's showing year round. Magical I know, he must totally use teh NanoVaporz.

Bring it down a peg and don't be so cocky hoss. You also didn't answer my question regarding weight category and height. If you wouldn't mind.
With the exception of maybe creatine if you took twins and had them on the same diet and training regime but one was backed by the latest supplements I'd bet you anything the difference in their weight at the end of 6 months would be negligible. Thats why I consider supplements to be a whole 0% of the bodybuilding equation.

You really cant count food derivatives (protein powder, creatine, multi and fish oil) as supplements. Nobody takes a multi to bulk up...
What complimentary medicin is utter rubbish and what are you basing this on?