JDMR2 - my cousins testosterone levels were exceptionally high. I know from listening to him over the years, such high levels can cause depression, anger issues, explosive rage, shrinking of the testicles, low sperm count, severe mood swings, excessive and often random impulsivity, severe and aggressive outbursts and the inability to control any of it...amongst all the other 'symptoms' that stem or occur as a result of all or some of these symptoms.
To answer your question - heightened test levels will help you recover quickly after a workout for instance and can be indicative of a very high sex drive. So, in turn, if you block and counteract naturally occurring high test levels - yes you will notice it in your workouts, your recovery time and possibly your sex drive.
However, your Dr cannot diagnose excessively high test levels without conducting extensive and repeated blood tests to continually track your levels - and a test blocker, isn't the first and only method of treatment.
As has been said previously in this thread - I would suggest you seek out the support and education of another medical professional and request that bloods be done to check your testosterone (and other hormone) levels.
You should never 'treat' an imaginary or assumed issue.
My only suggestion for your bodies sake and your own personal knowledge - seek out an alternative Dr and request bloods to be done, get it thoroughly checked and the results explained to you, so that you're able to understand fully what your levels are and what the methods of treatment are, to assist you with any and/or all of the symptoms you're experiencing.
Good luck