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So can you the address the theory that the res100 could be a possible cause for the elevated liver values.

The guy is sick, eating shit and not training your being ridiculous. this blood test doesn't prove positive or negative it is flawed just as you have said.
His before and after comparisons are not valid his entire lifestyle changed.

His before blood tests he was:

  • not sick
  • eating well
  • training often
His after blood tests were:

  • Sick
  • not eating well
  • not training for 2 weeks
  • blood test whilst being sick
Simply put the trial is not a fair comparison, there is way to many variables and his entire lifestyle has been reversed. Therefore his first blood test cannot be compared to this blood test the guy is actually sick at the time of the blood test.

I want this to be a fair trial therefore the next trial he will do before blood tests again with his diet in check, his training in check, not sick and consuming the EVOO daily. Then get the bloods done then do the exact same thing for the next 30 days with the only addition being the res100.
I'm willing to do the test....straight up, no bullshit.

Almost 37 years old now, exercise everyday.
Have not taken a sick day off work in probably 10 years.
Had mild flu couple of weeks ago, but well gone now, so unlikely to be sick again anytime soon.
Diet is reasonably healthy, not a pizza or soft drink addict or and don't drink or smoke.

Just don't know how to go about the blood test thing.
In if interested, but won't censor anything, regardless of results.
The guy is sick, eating shit and not training your being ridiculous. this blood test doesn't prove positive or negative it is flawed just as you have said.

Lol again.
So you are only willing to accept positive results of res100 not the possibility of negative ones like elevated liver values.

Again res100 was added and his liver values went up. How do you know for certian it wasn't a contributing factor.

Haha. I like how now you agee with me that the trail is flawed because it didn't get the result you are fishing for.
No need for everyone to get so worked up, as O.N stated the before and after circumstances were pretty different so it's not really a fair trial.

I'm happy to do another trial to see if the results are different because I'm genuinely interested to see if it works.

I honestly didn't think the flu, not training and eating dirty for a week would have such a dramatic effect on the blood test results which is why I kept on with the trial and didn't say anything. Not O.N or the product's fault…

Anyway another trial with the aforementioned variables in check will show what effect the product has. If it works, it's going to work, if it doesn't, it's not going to work, it's as simple as that.
to be fair though guys, all variables have to be equal for it to give us any indication of the true impact res100 has had on Ghosty's system?

Bad diet, lack of sleep, too much sex, not enough sex, training, no training - they all effect test levels - and estrogen levels too for that matter, hormone function in general.

Whilst I'm disappointed with the outcome, because I was really keen to see the results today - I do understand why the final blood test result is null and void, if the test subject's entire lifestyle changed from the first blood test? It simply is not a fair or conclusive comparison of data?

That being said, O.N. can I ask something?

Was Ghosty instructed to abstain from sex before his final blood test? Was he told intitially that his diet and training had to remain the same as it was before his first set of bloods? Was he instructed to not have soft drink/alcohol etc?

Also, whilst abstaining from orgasm doesn't expedentially increase testosterone levels in the long term, trials have certainly been conducted where testosterone levels spike from day 2 through to day 7 of abstinence and then decline rapidly again, as the body re-absorbs the unreleased sperm back into the system. So my other question would be, given that we know, testosterone levels do spike, to some degree, when men abstain from having sex or ejaculating for short periods - would this not unfairly effect Ghosty's final blood test and skew the data for res100 favourably too?

Anyway, bummer about the results, it would still be good to see Ghosty's blood test if he's willing to post it. If not, I guess we wait another 30 days or so.....
I'd be happy for you to do a blood test @THE HULK also nothing has been censored in ghostruns trial he has posted his blood results and i don't expect you to censor anything in yours either.

All i ask is for it to be a fair comparison and health variables, eating habits and training schedule to remain the same.
Again res100 was added and his liver values went up. How do you know for certian it wasn't a contributing factor.

But on the same token how do we know it wasn't the flu causing increased liver function, and how do we know my test levels might have been even lower if it wasn't for Res100 keeping them up?

It's just a pity I happened to get sick during this trial!

The new test should clear everything up and then factual conclusions can be drawn
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It's impossible to control all variables with a single person trail as this study has just shown us. Single person trails do not give you any meaningful results. You at least need a control to compare it to.

Also this is hardly an unbiased study. Basically fishing for positive results, making excuses for negative ones and disregarding the chances of the product causing negative outcomes.

I can see what is already happening here. We will just keep doing the trail until the desired result is achieved. Parade that result on the foum and discard all the negative results.

Thank you for the post very sensible and level headed thanks.

Answers to your questions:
Was Ghosty instructed to abstain from sex before his final blood test?
Ghostrun has not been instructed, but he and i have now concluded that to make the next trial fair he should go abut his normal sexual business up until 3 days before both his before and after blood tests this will make both blood tests fair so he can have sex 3 days before each test, nothing was said to him about abstaining during this flawed test.

Was he told intitially that his diet and training had to remain the same as it was before his first set of bloods? Was he instructed to not have soft drink/alcohol etc?
no but it should have been as you have stated not training and poor diet totally effect the result an given the fact the actual final bloods were done whilst he was still sick. imo and i think it is fairly clear the blood test results show he is sick. Which is 100% the case as he has stated.

If he normally drinkes soft drink and alcohol in moderation and both the before and after blood tests are the same circumstances i have no problem with him drinking soft drinks or alcohol as long as both blood tests have very similar circumstances, iam not blaming his results on his consumption of alcohol or soft drink, but i do find it highly unusual to eat a whole pizza and 1.25L of pepsi every night for 8 days in a row. And also given the fact he stopped training and was sick with the flu.
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yep agree. Thanks for the response.

As long as he abstains from sex or ejaculation for his 'before' and 'after' bloods next time, I think it'll be as close as you're going to get to a conclusive trial result - all other elements being equal as well lol

Disappointing, but understandable. Let's hope his liver function improves also as he gets better! lol

Your missing the point. We don't know that's the point.

Like you said it could be the flu but who here is too say it wasn't the res100, or a combination of both or even something else. We don't know but it is a possibility. That's my point. It would be the same if the test values went up. How do we know it was the res100? We don't. Just like we don't know if it caused the liver values this time around.
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well when he does his next set of before/after blood test you will be able to see if the liver values go up because of the res100 or not because the trial will be much more controlled.
A 2nd/3rd trial (and across more users) under tighter variable control would help pinpoint this though. More testing will help identify what exactly the results and effects are (positive and negative).

Yes exactly like i said go about his normal sexual business and then 3 days before both before and after bloods he should abstain to make both results comparative.

I want this to be as comparative as possible too, unlike this test as he fell sick and his entire life changed from the before blood tests, we all know that eating a whole pizza every night for 8 days and all the sugar from 1.25L of pepsi isn't going to be good for you with all the fats and sugars and added on to that a case of the flu.
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A 2nd/3rd trial (and across more users) under tighter variable control would help pinpoint this though. More testing will help identify what exactly the results and effects are (positive and negative).

A placebo control group is the only way.