Ignore the other posts, volume and work capacity has nothing to do with it. Just because you're on steroids that does NOT give you the excuse to do buttfuckretarded routines like 50 sets of lat pulldown and so on.
You are sort of on the right idea with this post, in your example of 5/3/1 I think it would be unwise to stay on such a program while on cycle simply because you will not be taking advantage of the steroids increasing your training max by 2.5kg a week so you have a few options:
*Push assistance exercises
*Switch to a more linear gains type program like Westside, of course assuming that you're after strength. This will allow you to take advantage of the massive increases in strength. There is never any reason to perform lots of volume and if you feel like you really need more work, increase the FREQUENCY (number of training sessions a week) instead
If after mass, again like you said a linear "novice" program would be better. DC training is great for this reason while it is not a novice program (don't misinterpret this) it DOES take advantage of those "novice" gains