Mainly because Neddy qualified his answer, and generally adds things to meaningful discussion, while you will find with Bazza, that he generally adds nothing to discussion, does not qualify his answer, and will argue what ever the opposite is. Plus from Neddies inconstant all over the place reading I am guessing he had very cheap unreliable scales that just did not read constantly, while Bazza's one gave a higher reading as he was getting leaner, the opposite to what they will do, and another the sky is green scenario in Bazza world.
Plus he has an unhealthy obsession with my apparent 30-50% body fat that he seems to know everything about without having ever met me seen me, or knowing anything about me
The quality of these scales is easy to test, will they give repeatable results?? I can step off mine, reset them and retest and they will give the same reading within 0.1% every time, so they are consistent, however I am unsure that the reading is the correct body fat percentage, but if they are constant, and repeatable, they are a good tool to see if your body composition is changing.
Hydration may also affect the reading, however my scales will give you a separate hydration reading as well as muscle mass %, so you can compare readings if you track them, I used to track them in a notebook with daily readings.