Snatch grip is the ultra wide grip olympians use when performing the snatch
James has deadlifted 251kg in Sumo style. He is the only lifter using that style, the Sumo deadlift is a legitimate lift, no issues at all.
Nina tried it for a while, she managed to equal her PB at the time, but prefers regular deadlifts.
James sets up with his toes 1cm from the plates, bare foot, this lift is 235kg. Most turn away as he lowers it, he's never jammed his toes.
Wide stance, grip is inside the legs rather than outside, regular mixed grip.
In order those plates are 25-10-10-15-15-20-10-2.5......dont forget to count the bar lol
The plates are the same diameter as they are bumper plates.
Most commercial gyms use easy to bend bars with no knurling and steel plates or rubber coated steel plates.